Tag: Dance Club

May Western Dance—A Night with Hold My Beer

Janelle Authur April showers brought both May flowers and beer to Ranch Western dancers. On May 3, the SBR Social Dance Club welcomed the Oracle-based Hold My Beer Band in their first appearance at the Ranch. The record-breaking crowd of 100 Ranchers and guests gave the band a rousing welcome and kudos for the performance.…

Novice Line Dance Class: Join the Fun!

Debora Witten The SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Dance Club offered a novice line dance class that began Jan. 9. The class is teaching the very basics of line dancing in classes once a week for eight weeks. Individuals and couples signed up for the line dance instruction. The class is taught by Sandy Calemine from SaddleBrooke.…

Dance Club: Footwork, Fitness, and Friends

Carol Osgood Dance Club classes such as 2-Step and West Coast Swing provide tremendous fun while learning something new! You’ll navigate the different steps and positions, turns, and weaves, all while keeping time with the music. It can benefit your brain and body while you also meet a great group of dancing friends. The Ranch…