Tag: events

The S.O.B.s AreTrekking Along

Cher Stroben On May 22, the S.O.B. (SaddleBrooke Off-Road Bunch) jeepers were exploring again. This time we checked out the Empire Ranch and Total Wreck Mine in the Sonoita area. The ranch was first homesteaded by William Wakefield in 1871. It’s now run by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management & Empire Ranch Foundation. They…

SBRWOW July Gathering

Deb McGiboney The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women of Wine (SBRWOW) club meets the third Thursday of every month at the Ranch House Grill in the Sol Ballroom. Our next SBRWOW event is Thursday, July 18, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Ranch House Grill Sol Ballroom. We have a fun–filled, packed WOW event coming up!…

SBR Conservatives in Action

Nancy Borcalli Mark your calendars for the SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Conservatives in Action general meeting on Thursday, July 25, at 3:30 p.m. The SBR Conservatives in Action meet the fourth Thursday of each month at 3:30 pm. The meetings are held at the SBR La Hacienda Clubhouse in the La Mesa/La Montana Rooms. Everyone is…

What Is POP Tennis?

Deb McGiboney In POP Tennis, the court is a little smaller, the ball a little slower, the racquet a little shorter—which makes this sport the perfect combination for FUN! POP Tennis is a great starter sport for beginners of all ages, an easy way for social tennis players to switch up their routine, or an…

Getting Ready for the Fall ARTwalk!

Debora Witten Steve and Mary Schneck are starting to create their gourds for the SaddleBrooke Ranch Fall ARTwalk. Gourds from Wuertz Gourd Farm are turned into unique works of art by Steve and Mary, and are essential for a home at SaddleBrooke Ranch.

Congregation B’Nai Midbar: A Time for Reflection

Melanie Einbund This past year we have experienced several events and a very big ‘to do’ list. In July 2023 we gathered with Jewish Friendship Group (JFG) members casually to say hello in the MountainView Bar and Grill. In August, a Jewish Community Meet and Greet was held, reacquainting with each other and preparing for…

Feeding Those in Need and Changing Lives

Daniel Engeljohn As a Matthew 25 Church, Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church (mountainshadowschurch.org) is challenging the congregation to deepen its faith and get more actively involved with the greater community. One focus of our Mission Ministry Team is to provide funding and in-kind assistance to Cross Streets Community, a program for the homeless in downtown Tucson.…

Vista United Methodist Burns Their Mortgage!

Sharon Scanlan On May 26, after the 10 a.m. church service, the members of Vista United Methodist Church (UMC) celebrated paying off the mortgage on the new Education and Administration Building in less than five years with a mortgage burning. We moved in at the end of 2019 and paid off our mortgage early this…