Tag: events

CCP Dinner Theatre Almost Here—An Evening of One Acts

Andrea Molberg Our live dinner theatre troupe Community Circle Players (CCP) will soon be delivering a charming production in a new format—a series of eight, short, stand-alone plays interspersed with a delightful meal. What a post-Halloween treat! These one-act plays, not merely skits or vignettes, are tender, hilarious, and thought-provoking. The eight fantastic shows ranging…

Oracle Schools Foundation

Benefit Concert to Raise Funds for Oracle Schools Foundation Alan Mollenkopf The SaddleBrooke Western Heritage Preservation Club is sponsoring a benefit concert to raise funds for the Oracle Schools Foundation (www.oracleschoolsfoundation.com). The concert is scheduled for Friday, Nov. 19, at 7 p.m., and tickets are now on sale. The concert venue is the DesertView Performing…

Oracle’s National Night Out October 5

Bonnie Goldman Together we are making communities safer, more caring places to live. This is our nation’s 39th community-building campaign that promotes police community partnerships. National Night Out triumphs over a culture that isolates us from each other and allows us to rediscover our own communities. Millions of neighbors take part in National Night Out across…

SaddleBrooke Ranch ARTwalk Is Back!

Linda Shannon-Hills The SaddleBrooke Artists are preparing their art for the upcoming SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) ARTwalk on Saturday, Oct. 23, and Sunday, Oct. 24, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. To help residents see some of the artists work before the ARTwalk, we have established a closed-group SBR ARTwalk Artists Facebook group. Only residents and artists…

Health Fair 2021

Phyllis Ketring, Publicity Coordinator The 2021 Health Fair is on track for Saturday, Oct. 23 from 9 a.m. to noon. There will be exhibitors and screeners at both the SaddleBrooke One and MountainView Clubhouses. Free shuttles will transport people between clubhouses. As in the past, fairgoers park at the MountainView parking lot and use the shuttle to…

SaddleBrooke Ranch ARTwalk Is Back!

Linda Shannon-Hills After canceling the 2020 SBR ARTwalk, we are excited to announce the scheduling of the eighth annual SBR ARTwalk. For the first time, the ARTwalk is scheduled for two days, on Saturday, Oct. 23, and Sunday, Oct. 24, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. The SBR ARTwalk is an open-studio tour inviting…

Oracle Assembly Show-N-Shine Car Show

The Oracle Assembly Show-N-Shine Car Show will be held on Saturday, April 17 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Oracle Assembly. Sign-in is from 9 to 10 a.m. The show is open to all antique, classic, vintage, and custom cars, trucks, and motorcycles. There is no entrance fee. As there is limited space,…

Wellness Roundup: The Dangers of Opioid Use in Seniors

Danielle Riguerra

Linda Shannon-Hills The SaddleBrooke Ranch Wellness Roundup is sponsoring a Zoom seminar on Friday, April 16, from 5 until 6 p.m. The presentation will provide a better understanding of the dangers of prescription drug misuse, proper storage, and disposal methods, as well as helpful resources to keep you and your family safe. Data from 2018 shows…

Save the Date for the 2021 Health Fair on Oct. 23

Phyllis Ketring, Publicity Coordinator The 2020 Health Fair was canceled due to the COVID outbreak and the vulnerability of our community. The 2021 Health Fair is scheduled for Oct. 23, 9 a.m. to noon. If the pandemic numbers decrease while vaccinations increase and both SaddleBrooke One and MountainView open their spaces for public use, it…

Sisters Helping Sisters: Save the Date for May 2

Leslie Fore Join us May 2 for a virtual event honoring mothers and strong women. Donations and proceeds go to providing assistance to women experiencing homelessness in Tucson. We are asking for help with donations of gifts, services, or activities for our silent auction. More information will be available through our communications and website as…