Top 10 Reasons You Won’t Want to Miss the OSF Spring Fling

Ann Vernon

Mark Sunday, March 10, on your calendar now! You won’t want to miss the Oracle Schools Foundation (OSF) Spring Fling Gala/Auction because:

1. The Foundation supports the Kinder Prep (preschool) program in Oracle and you believe that early childhood education is the key to success later in life.

2. You agree with and want to support the OSF’s commitment to helping fund preschool and other educational programs at the Mountain Vista School in Oracle.

3. You want to support kids at Mountain Vista School by bidding on some great silent auction items: soups to go, made-to-order desserts, sewing alterations, airport transportation, gift cards to local restaurants, and much more!

4. You want to sign up for fun fixed-price events: a bread-making class, theme dinners, house concerts with appetizers and drinks, and much more!

5. You want to bid on some awesome live auction items: an authentic Greek dinner, a Mount Lemmon getaway, a mystery dinner, and more!

6. You want to have fun—it’s a gala!

7. You want to eat great food that you don’t have to cook—your choice of salmon, steak, or vegetarian.

8. You want to connect with other OSF supporters.

9. You want to get out of the house—have something to look forward to!

10. But most importantly, you want to make a difference in kids’ lives!

To register, go to our website at

Become a Champion of the OSF by attending the Gala! It promises to be a great event for a wonderful cause. You can also support OSF by attending the Tributaries Benefit Concert on April 10. Tickets will be on sale at DesertView.