Punch Howarth This article will be a preview of the new and lighter concert season of the Southern Arizona Symphony Orchestra with Linus Lerner conducting four of the five concerts at SaddleBrooke and Oro Valley. Maestro Lerner was the impresario of the San Luis Opera Festival and his own International Voice Competition in Mexico…
Tag: events
August 2018
SaddleBrooke Ranch Golf Club to host inaugural Pick Your Partner Open – August 15
Tom Graham The Men’s and Women’s Golf Associations in conjunction with the SaddleBrooke Ranch Golf Club are presenting a community wide golf event, the Pick Your Partner Open. The two-day team event is scheduled for August 15 and 16. Eligible golfers include SBR residents or SBR homeowners; and having an established USGA handicap by…
August 2018
Mark your calendars for upcoming events at SaddleBrooke Ranch
Kim Schweitzer Mark your calendars for these upcoming events from the Social Committee. Yard Sale: Saturday, October 20 Art walk: Saturday, October 27 Menorah Lighting: Sunday, December 2 Golf Cart Holiday Parade: Friday, December 14 Carol Singing: Friday, December 14 Carol Singing in the Community: Saturday, December 15 New Year’s Eve Party: Monday, December…
June 2018
SBR Singer/Songwriter to perform June 30 at Oracle State Park evening event

Bruce Carlson Oracle State Park is hosting a special evening event on Saturday, June 30. The Dark Sky program first features Bruce Carlson, a recent resident at SaddleBrooke Ranch, singing original music and some mellow cover folk and Americana tunes from 6:15–7:30 p.m. Bruce’s music is all about love, life and landscapes played on…
June 2018
Red Cross Blood Drive set for June 23
Linda Shannon-Hills SaddleBrooke Ranch will be hosting an American Red Cross Blood Drive on Saturday, June 23 from 7:00 a.m. until noon at La Hacienda Clubhouse in La Mesa and Montana Rooms. To make an appointment call 800-733-2767 or go online to www.redcrossblood.org. Please pass this notice along. Right now, the American Red Cross…
June 2018
Republicans of SBR encourage you to fly your flag June 14
Carol Sorensen Flag Day is celebrated because that day, June 14, 1777, marks the adoption of the Stars and Stripes as the flag of the United States of America. The next meeting of the Republicans of SaddleBrooke Ranch is Monday, June 18 at 1:00 p.m., in the La Hacienda Club, La Mesa Room. The…
June 2018
Thursday Talks will host “Money Talks” June 7

Linda Shannon-Hills On Thursday, June 7 at 4:00 p.m. Thursday Talks welcomes Dennis Eckmeyer from SaddleBrooke Ranch and Jeffrey Bradford. During this presentation they will discuss ways parents can talk to their adult children and grandchildren about financial matters. Parents may even learn a few things themselves. Some of the key topics for this…
Front Page, May 2018
4th annual SBR Garden Tour

Kay Lantow Join us for the fourth annual SaddleBrooke Ranch Free Garden Tour this Saturday, May 5, from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Maps and instructions with details about each of the six unique gardens will be available to SaddleBrooke Ranch residents. Check under the “Files” listings at the SBR Facebook page and the “Documents”…
April 2018
American Legion to host authentic German dinner
Bob Franke Presented by the award winning American Legion Oro Valley Post 132. Saturday, April 14, 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center 64518 East Galveston Lane. One hundred percent of the proceeds for veterans in need and for rehabilitation programs. The menu includes: genuine German sausages, sauerkraut, German potato…
April 2018
Come celebrate with SBCO
Nancy McCluskey-Moore Since 1996 the mission of SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) has been to provide opportunities for kids to succeed. SBCO programs and grants focus on three things important to the success of children in need: food, clothing and education. Over the past 20+ years, the variety of programs we support, as well as…