Tag: events

Diana Madaras returns to SaddleBrooke – December 3

The Bridge by Diana Madaras

Tim Morsani Artist Diana Madaras is returning to SaddleBrooke December 3. This multi-award winning community-involved artist and philanthropist will be bringing her art and southwest gifts back to SaddleBrooke to assist the Rotary Club in its fundraising to support the Senior Village of SaddleBrooke. Co-sponsored by Mountain View Retirement Village, the menu will include appetizers,…

A Celebration of Watercolor

Karen Brungardt On Sunday, November 19, 2017, eight SaddleBrooke watercolor artists will present the second annual “A Celebration of Watercolor” show in the west end of the MountainView Ballroom. This colorful event will be from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and is open to the public. Each of the artists, Karen Brungardt, Mary Bubla, Fran…

50s 60s Sock Hop tickets

Jane Gromelski Return with us to those thrilling years when we were young. Some of us went to the dances and danced, some watched from the sidelines. Bah! to that; we can all get on the floor and dance with our own moves. Come and have fun with the music of our golden youth! Sip…

Christmas came early

Barbara Barr and A.T. Barr Their eyes tell the story. Christmas came early this year for over 1,200 elementary students in area Title 1 Schools as the SaddleBrooke Rotary Club delivered books to each and every child. Schools qualify for Title 1 services when a specific percentage of the school’s population falls below the poverty…

November 4 – Colorado Casa Cucina Progressive Dinner signups

Barbara Drury Twelve co-hosts have been busy planning this fun evening for Colorado Club members: Colorado Casa Cucina (Italian home kitchen). The party begins at 4:00 p.m. and ends after dessert, about 8:00 p.m. This group of Colorado Club neighbors is also providing the lasagna for our main entrée! They’re working on the details so…

5th annual Ventana Canyon Golf Outing

Bill Moore On Sunday, August 6, 36 golfers and spouses from SaddleBrooke Ranch descended on the Lodge at Ventana Canyon Golf & Racquet Club for an evening of socializing and dinner prior to the fifth annual Ventana Canyon Golf Outing the following morning. Sunday afternoon commenced with a social hour in the Lodge bar. Shortly…

Ready, set, walk!

Nancy McCluskey-Moore On Saturday, October 28, SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) will be hosting its 21st annual Walkathon. This event helps to raise the funds needed to support a wide range of food, clothing and education programs that benefit youngsters living in nearby communities. The Walkathon begins at 7:40 a.m. in the SaddleBrooke One Clubhouse parking…

PCRC Elephant Walk Golf Tournament – Sign up today!

Dan G. Culver The PCRC Elephant Walk Golf Tournament will be Saturday, November 18, 2017, at the SaddleBrooke Ranch Golf Club. Proceeds benefit Pinal County Republican Committee. Please plan to join in the fun of men, women or mixed four-person teams playing a modified scramble with a shotgun start at 8:00 a.m.! Prizes, awards, golf…

50s 60s Sock Hop!

Phil and Linda do a great swing.

Jane Gromelski Return with us to those thrilling years when we were young. Some of us went to the dances and danced; some watched from the sidelines. Bah to that! We can all get on the floor and dance with our own moves; come and have fun with the music of our golden youth! Sip…

Shred, recycle and donate in one easy step

Nancy McCluskey-Moore Is your home cluttered with useless paper files and electronics? Pack up those unwanted items and bring them to the shredding and recycling event on Saturday, November 11, from 9:00 a.m. to noon or until the truck is full. The event, hosted by Long Realty, Golder Ranch, SaddleBrooke Community Outreach and the Beacon…