Tag: events

Confused and Overwhelmed? Medicare Seminar October 17

Don Jensen Medicare open enrollment is October 15 to December 7. With 40 Medicare Advantage plans, 11 Medicare Supplement plans (also known as Medigap plans), and 50 prescription drug plans to choose from, how can you know the best one for you? The objective of this seminar is to make Medicare options crystal clear so…

Vista Fine Arts presents the Desert Wind Saxophone Quartet

Donna Langwig The 2017-2018 season of Vista Fine Arts opens on Sunday, October 22, at 3:00 in the afternoon with the amazing Desert Wind Saxophone Quartet. Since its founding in 1990 the Desert Wind Saxophone Quartet has treated audiences throughout the Phoenix area to a wide variety of music from baroque, jazz and popular music,…

Oracle State Park events

Saturday, September 9: Early Morning Bird Walk, with Guide Craig Anderson beginning at 6:30 a.m. for approximately one and a half hours. Craig is a Special Audubon Volunteer assisting with promoting and protecting Arizona’s Important Bird Areas. Bring your own binoculars if you have them. The group will head down to the waterhole about one-half…

Colorado Club social and other events planned

Colorado Club Social at La Hacienda Club

Linda Shannon-Hills Moving into a new community is exciting, especially meeting new people from around the United States and Canada. As our SaddleBrooke Ranch grows, finding common interests and backgrounds pulls us closer together as neighbors, and that is what neighbors found when they joined together on Wednesday, August 2, for a Colorado Club Social…

Oracle School District

Since its inception three years ago to and continuing through the 2017-18 school year, the Oracle Schools Foundation will have funded almost 40 preschool scholarships for the District’s youngest students. Recognizing the critical importance of a great early start, the Foundation Board made a commitment this year to ensure every three and four-year old in…

Jerry Nelson at CCSB

Jerry Nelson

Leah Kari and Carol Thompson Do you love to sing? Enjoy world class piano music? Love singing hymns and worship songs, old and new? Community Church at SaddleBrooke’s (CCSB) Director of Music, Mr. Ron Aeschliman, invites you to attend a special choir workshop on Saturday, September 9, from 9:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. with lunch…

SaddleBrooke Ranch Tennis Association plans fall events

Terry and Anita Zimmerman Please mark your calendars for the upcoming quarterly general membership meeting to be held on September 15, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. at the La Hacienda meeting room. The agenda will include items that everyone will want to be a part of including: A report from the Nominations Committee Nominations for officers…

Fall Bible Study: Entrusted — A Study in 2 Timothy

Beth Moore

Terry Barringer The Women’s Ministry of the Community Church at SaddleBrooke invites you to join us for our fall Bible Study of 2 Timothy. This video presentation by popular Bible study teacher Beth Moore is an interactive personal study and group discussion program. The prominent theme of Entrusted is mentoring as revealed in Apostle Paul’s…