Tag: Gardening

How does your garden grow?

Louise Grabell, Pinal County Master Gardener Strange things are happening [remember that line…Red Buttons]. It’s so darn hot outside that I decided to tell you about some strange things…as gardening goes…that you might enjoy over a cool glass of iced tea inside your cool house. Before I begin, a few garden reminders for this monsoon…

Successful Cinco de Mayo garden tour

Kay Lantow, SBR Garden Tour Committee Sunshine and blustery winds greeted SaddleBrooke Ranch residents as they toured our six gardens for three hours on Saturday morning, May 5. As in previous years, the selected gardens provided unique insights about design, hardscape, outdoor amenities and the influences of climate, soil and water when making choices for…

Gardeners Exchange

  Margaret Larmour The Gardeners Exchange of SaddleBrooke Ranch in conjunction with the SaddleBrooke/SaddleBrooke Ranch Master Gardeners welcomes you to attend “Small Wonders,” by Dr. Frank Rose, garden writer, artist, photographer and nature lover, on Wednesday, June 18 at La Hacienda Club, SaddleBrooke Ranch at 1:00 p.m. Dr. Rose, a retired pastor, found his second…

4th annual SBR Garden Tour

  Kay Lantow Join us for the fourth annual SaddleBrooke Ranch Free Garden Tour this Saturday, May 5, from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Maps and instructions with details about each of the six unique gardens will be available to SaddleBrooke Ranch residents. Check under the “Files” listings at the SBR Facebook page and the “Documents”…

Gardeners Exchange

  Zann Wilson The Gardeners Exchange in conjunction with the SaddleBrooke/SaddleBrooke Ranch Master Gardeners welcomes you to attend “Sustaining Wildlife with Native Plants, presented by Hillary Cox of Fine Gardening fame, on Wednesday, April 25 at 1:00 p.m., La Hacienda Club at SaddleBrooke Ranch. Ms. Cox’s presentation is based on Doug Tallamy’s book Bringing Nature…

Mark your calendar for the Garden Tour

  Kay Lantow and Carol Andrews The Fourth annual SaddleBrooke Ranch Free Garden Tour is fast approaching on Saturday, May 5, beginning at 9:00 a.m. and lasting until noon. With six gardens to visit, every resident is sure to find answers to the most perplexing challenges presented by our unique southern Arizona region and ideas…

How does Your Garden Grow?

  Louise Grabell, Pinal County Master Gardener There is a wonderful, care-free and attractive plant I’d like to tell you about. There is a story behind my love of this landscaping beauty that I need to share with you first. You know it is always a good idea to have different shapes, colors and textures…

Save the date 4th annual Free Garden Tour

Kay Lantow Welcome all neighbors of SaddleBrooke Ranch to the fourth annual SaddleBrooke Ranch Free Garden Tour. Based on many factors, this year’s tour date will be on Saturday, May 5 (also known as Cinco de Mayo) from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Over the past few years, a group of dedicated volunteers has assembled to…

Hows does Your Garden Grow?

  Louise Grabell Everyone can grow tomatoes! One plant is all you’ll need to harvest plenty of delicious “fruit” to enjoy in early summer. Growing tomatoes in the high desert of southern Arizona is a bit different from other places. Since I grow my tomatoes in a container, the following will explain how to do…

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Louise Grabell, Pinal County Master Gardener Summer’s heat is long gone, so let’s talk irrigation for the winter months ahead. This is the time of year when you can save on your monthly water bills. As the weather gets cooler and many trees and shrubs enter a period of winter dormancy, you should be reducing…