The Gardeners Exchange at SaddleBrooke Ranch welcomes Dr. Anthony Knight, former professor of Veterinary Medicine, Colorado State University and Pima County Master Gardener, speaking Tuesday, July 21, 2015, at 1:00 p.m. in the La Hacienda Club on “Common Insects of Southern Arizona Gardens.” Gardeners in Arizona are confronted with numerous insects in their flower and…
Tag: Gardening
June 2015
Volunteers make a difference
Kathie Griffin The SaddleBrooke Master Gardener volunteers love gardening and can’t stop talking about the unique challenges in growing plants in the high desert. As a part of University of Arizona Pinal Cooperative Extension, our mission is to provide the public with research-based, home horticultural information through educational programs and projects. We love to share…
January 2015
Gardening series comes to SaddleBrooke – all welcome
High Desert Garden Basics is a mini-course for interested gardeners. This six-part gardening series sponsored by the SaddleBrooke Master Gardeners is designed for the home gardener wanting to learn more about growing things in our interesting and sometimes challenging desert environment. These classes will benefit gardeners of all experience levels. How to work with our…
December 2014
Favorite cacti seminar December 10
A very informative and entertaining afternoon with Mark Sitter of B and B Cactus Farm will be held Wednesday, December 10, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. at MountainView Ballroom West. Mark is the owner of B and B Cactus Farm on East Speedway in Tucson and will offer a hands-on look at some of his favorite…
November 2014
Master Gardener Program, U of A College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cooperative Extension Pinal County – November 2014
The SaddleBrooke Master Gardeners and their propagation team would like to thank everyone who came to our annual plant sale. You make our efforts worthwhile, and we appreciate your continued support of this worthwhile organization. You are the reason we do what we do, and it is so nice to be able to contribute to…
October 2014
The Gardeners Exchange – October 2014
Come join the fun and the gardening information source at the Gardeners Exchange on Tuesday, October 21, at 1:00 p.m. Peter Warren, Urban Horticulture Agent for Pima County Cooperative Extension, University of Arizona, will speak on common insect pests and pesticide safety. As a bonus after a short break, Peter will explain the use of…
October 2014
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences – October 2014
Vegetable gardening in the desert Having trouble with your tomatoes? Join Sarma Spitzer, Tohono Chul Docent, as she explains the basics of vegetable gardening with consideration given to the challenges of gardening in an extreme environment. The emphasis will be on small space, container and raised bed gardening aimed at including edibles in a landscape.…
September 2014
The Transplanted Gardener
Zann Wilson ASTROPHYTUM CACTI Most newcomers to desert gardening are put off by the many cacti that insist on fighting us with dangerous spines and glochids. It is refreshing to the aspiring gardener to find a cactus which is uniquely architectural in appearance and yet accepts a friendly touch without drawing human blood. Astrophytum myriostigma…