Janice Mihora The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) held its annual holiday luncheon on December 2, 2016 at Michelangelo’s. Officers were elected for 2017: President, Joyce DeYoung; Vice-President, Alex Anna; Secretary, Janice Mihora; Treasurer, Sue Wells. The ladies voted on a name for a new event to be held on the first Tuesday of…
Tag: Golf
January 2017
SBRWGA 2016 Telegraph Tournament results

Janice Mihora Saddlebrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) held its 2016 Telegraph Tournament on Tuesday, November 8. Telegraph tournaments were started in a time when there were not a lot of organized sports associations. These competitions began because athletes were not able to travel great distances to participate. Local competitions were held and results telegraphed…
January 2017
SBRWGA Robson Cup Team

On Wednesday, November 16, 2016, SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association traveled to PebbleCreek to compete in the Robson Cup on their Eagle’s Nest course. A total of 88 golfers from the surrounding Robson communities participated. Congratulations to Jean Cheszek for winning overall low gross score with a 79. The SBRWGA team played well and enjoyed…
January 2017
SBRWGA Member/Member Tournament results

Janice Mihora On Tuesday, November 15, 2016, the SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association held its Member/Member tournament. Thirty-Four members participated in the best-ball, low gross flighted tournament. Winners are as follows: First Flight – 1st place (tie) Alex Anna, Brenda Armenia, Mary Snowden, Marion Ewing; 3rd place (tie) Jean Cheszek, Jo Helms, Charlene Culver, Marylce…
January 2017
SBRWGA! Enjoy fun and competitive golf with friends
Janice Mihora The women of the 18-Hole Association at SaddleBrooke Ranch have been in full swing since the fall of 2012. We are a fun group of ladies who enjoy golf and laughter during organized play every Tuesday morning. We play the plum tees so that all levels of skills are accommodated. A variety of…
December 2016
Ranchette Putters participate in October Putting Clinic

Lorretta Johnson The SBR Ranchette Putters is a hardy group! They have endured the summer heat and the “No Putting” time due to winter overseeding of the putting green. To celebrate things getting back to normal, a Putting Clinic was held on October 26 by Mike Jahaske, Director of Golf, and Ken Steinke, Assistant Golf…
December 2016
Ranchette Putters travel to Quail Creek in putting event and lunch

Lorretta Johnson Quail Creek Lady Putters hosted the SBR Ranchette Putters on November 9 for a fun putting event and lunch. Twenty-seven Ranchette putters carpooled to make the drive. While it was windy, the weather was actually nice and it turned out to be a very pleasant day. Upon arriving the Ranchette Putters walked through…
December 2016
Show your appreciation for the golf course maintenance crew
Colleen Carey, SBRWGA and Mark Klicker, SBRMGA Please join the SBRWGA and the SBRMGA in our annual fund drive to benefit the golf course maintenance workers who keep our golf course in beautiful shape throughout the year, one that not only our golfers can be proud of but also all our residents, too. The men…
November 2016
SBRWGA hosts 3rd annual Sadie Hawkins Tour

The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association hosted its third annual Sadie Hawkins Golf Tournament on Tuesday, September 20, 2016, with 48 golfers participating. This event is inspired by an American folk event and pseudo-holiday originated by Al Capp’s classic hillbilly comic strip Li’l Abner (1934–1978). This inspired real-world Sadie Hawkins events, the premise of which is…
November 2016
SBRWGA hosts 3rd annual Sadie Hawkins Tournament

place, tie – card playoff, Lorraine Smith and Billy Mihal Third Flight: first place, tie – card playoff, Marion Ewing and John Huard; second place, tie – card playoff, Jeanne Hansel and Don Lawson; third place, tie – card playoff, Sue Wells and Brian Kerley Closest to the Pin winners: Hole 2, Don Lawson; Hole…