Tag: Health

Blood Drive Set for June 17

Tina Fugleberg SaddleBrooke Ranch is on a mission to help save lives by hosting a blood drive on June 17 from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. at The Ranch House, Sol Ballroom, 31143 S. Amenity Dr. The community is invited to take part in this special event and donate blood for hospital patients in our…

Shots for the Ranch—Flu and COVID Vaccination Drive-thru

Linda Shannon-Hills For the second year in a row, the SBR Neighbors Helping Neighbors group volunteers teamed up with Desert Life Pharmacy, Brianne Spaeth, and her staff of University of Arizona pharmacy students to provide important vaccinations for the seasonal flu vaccine and the recently released COVID-19 Moderna Bivalent booster, which provides protection of the…

What Is the Medicare Donut Hole?

Leah Sugar Kari Medicare’s Donut Hole (aka the Coverage Gap) is a term that prompts curiosity or apprehension among Medicare beneficiaries. The cake donut is generally round with an empty center or hole. There is something to eat on both sides and nothing in the middle. This metaphorically describes a gap in a prescription drug…

2 Your Health: Plantar Fasciitis and Massage Therapy

Heidi Overman, Licensed Massage Therapist Plantar fasciitis is a very common issue. It is painful and can even be debilitating. I have many clients come in exasperated from trying to help relieve plantar fasciitis pain. Just this week I had one client who had been battling it for over two years and another for over a…

Red Cross Blood Drive Set for April 23

Linda Shannon-Hills The SBR Red Cross Blood Drive is on Saturday, April 23, from 7 a.m. until 1 p.m. The American Red Cross continues to be short on needed blood. If you can donate, we encourage you to register to donate now. The drive will be held in the SBR Ranch House Sol Ballroom. Log…