Melanie Einbund New happenings and changes are in sight. First off, the Institute for Judaic Services and Studies (IJSS) will be welcoming our new rabbi, Laura Harari, to the pulpit. Rabbi Harari will be officiating at our High Holiday Services and continuing with monthly Shabbat services. Rabbi Laura is a dynamic personality, a people person, and…
Generals, May 2021
IJSS Update

Melanie Einbund, IJSS Secretary During the summer months of June, July, and August, services will not be held. Members will receive notice of High Holy Day services. Institute of Jewish Services (IJSS) welcomes Rabbi Laura Harari to our pulpit. When first interviewed about this position, Rabbi Harari expressed that she was excited and thrilled for the…
Generals, April 2021
IJSS and SaddleBrooke Ranch
Gerri Koen Mike and I would like to tell you about the Institute for Judaic Services and Studies (IJSS) in SaddleBrooke. We meet monthly from September through April, at SaddleBrooke, MountainView Clubhouse. Due to COVID restrictions, currently services are on Zoom. The IJSS hopes to resume in-person services by Rosh Hashanah. My husband and I have…