Tag: pickleball

Pickleball Trivia Questions

Nancy Eisenstein 1. Who was Pickles Pritchard? 2. What year was pickleball introduced on television? What was the name of the television show? 3. When did the Heinz Company distribute their first pickle pins? 4. Where were pickle pins given out to introduce players to pickleball in the 1990s? 5. What was the game called…

Relishing Pickleball

David Zapatka Reader Liz Houser writes, “I just moved to SaddleBrooke in April and learned to play pickleball in early May thanks to my enthusiastic neighbor Shawne. I just read your article about common mistakes numbers 11 and 12—I found them to be very helpful. Would you be so kind as to send me the…

Hats Off! Hats On!

Debbie Witten The summer temperatures are soaring, but the enthusiasm of the SaddleBrooke Ranch pickleball players has not been deterred. With the higher temperatures, you will see all kinds of colors and styles of hats worn on the SaddleBrooke Ranch pickleball court. There are ball caps, visors, cowboy hats, hats meant to be worn wet,…

Relishing Pickleball: 2020 Pickleball Rocks Players of the Year

David Zapatka 2020 was a crazy year. Many pickleball tournaments were cancelled. Public pickleball courts were closed and padlocked. That being said, Arizona pickleball players found ways to safely play, and even through the pandemic, new players found pickleball in record numbers. For 2020, Pickleball Rocks Clothing and Equipment Company recognized a mixed doubles pair…

Congratulations Rudy!

Debbie Witten SaddleBrooke Ranch Pickleball Association (SBRPA) is proud to announce that Rudy Dominguez has now completed his certification to test 4.0 and 4.5 skill levels by the International Pickleball Teaching Professional Association (IPTPA). SBRPA now follows the IPTPA guidelines in testing the advancement of ratings of a player. Rudy had been certified to only test…

SBR 3.5 Women Pickleball Ladies in Action

Back row (left to right): Polly Jones, Abby Foote, Carol Osgood, Chris Logan, Jen Campion, and Betty Staniec; Front row: Ginger Buetow, Margaret Rogers, Deb Street, Penny Brockshus, Barb Simms, and Sally Grasso (Photo by Debbie Witten)

Debbie Witten There are currently 21 ladies who are actively playing pickleball at the 3.5 skill level. Twice a week, 12 to 16 of them play together in a round-robin format for a two-hour session. They are exciting to watch, so, if you are free, come to the courts and watch them play from 8 until…