Tag: Veterans Club

SaddleBrooke Ranch Veterans Club News

At the December SaddleBrooke Ranch Veterans Club meeting, Ken Robinson, chairman of the club, welcomed Georgine Hurst, who is a volunteer for the Donor Outreach for Veterans (DOVE) nonprofit. She described how DOVE helps match up kidney donors and veterans. The average wait for a kidney from a deceased donor is five years long. Veterans…

Veterans Club Book Signing and Presentation

Mary Kay Voss The SaddleBrooke Ranch Veterans Club will host Francis Gary Powers Jr., author, founder of the Cold War Museum, and son of Air Force veteran Francis Gary Powers. The event on March 17 is both a book signing and presentation. Mr. Powers will be speaking on the Cold War, U-2 Incident, the Spielberg…

Veterans Club Pancake Breakfast

John Tedeschi Veterans Day at the SBR has been a special day to celebrate our veterans for the past three years, and I am happy to report that the tradition continued in fine style this past Veterans Day. The SBR Veterans Club, Ranch House, and HOA hosted the pancake breakfast in the Ranch House Sol…