16A neighbors enjoying bingo (photo by Peter Bratz)
16A Events Keep Growing!
Kim Schweitzer and Marlene Diskin
Why are these people smiling? Well, seven of them called that wonderful word, B-I-N-G-O, and won great prizes! More than 40 residents of 16A gathered to play bingo, and a good time was had by all. This time, we were well prepared with supplies unlike at our last bingo night when we ran out of chips to cover the numbers and needed to use snack mix! Congratulations to the winners: Jamie, Nancy (twice!), Ron, Gayle, Susan, Diane, and Pam. Even for those who didn’t win, it was nice to socialize and catch up with our wonderful neighbors.
Thank you to Gayle O’Connell and Sue Monson who are stepping down from the unit’s social committee. We thank them for their dedication and hard work over the years. We welcome new ideas and new members to the committee to keep 16A the cohesive unit that we have always been.