Kari and Jim Erickson, now in Unit 3, both enjoy doing outdoor activities. Jim has an interest in photography and Kari is a potter.

Cindy and Jim Killackey moved from California to Unit 14B. Cindy is a quilter and a birder. Jim’s interest is technology. They love to walk.

Cheryl Hargett and Mark Johnson lived in Tucson years ago before moving to Washington State. Coming to SaddleBrooke Ranch is almost like returning home. They love the pool and golf and are at home in Unit 10.

Linda and Randy Wright from Lake Havasu enjoy pickleball, walking, swimming, and ballroom dancing. They are at home in Unit 8.

Connie and Greg Elliot moved from Washington state to Unit 46A. A high school friend talked them into looking at SaddleBrooke Ranch and they loved it here. They can be found biking, playing tennis, or at the new community garden plot. Socializing is high on their list of activities.

Kim Pederson loves the outdoors. He moved from California and is at home in Unit 46B. His brother lives nearby, also in SaddleBrooke Ranch.

Terry and Diana Walton moved from California to Unit 46B. They enjoy playing golf. When travelling they are never far from home in their 49′ motorhome.

Bonnie and Bill Lowen recently from Alaska love the outdoors, especially hiking. They are at home in Unit 17.

Mary Anne and Jeff Vonk moved to Unit 14 from South Dakota. They enjoy golfing, walking, and hiking.

Larry and Marnie Binney are retired teachers from Oregon. They love golf and are at home in Unit 46A.

Alex and Nelda Langoussis come to us from Wisconsin by way of Georgia. While Alex is big into astronomy, Nelda likes to walk, swim, and bike. They are at home in Unit 10.

John Beals likes to stay active with golf, pickleball, and working out in the gym. He now lives in Unit 46A after moving from Oregon.

David and Jill Moretto from Massachusetts are now home in Unit 17. Jill enjoys cycling and hiking. Dave is interested in pickleball and woodworking.

Mary Fernandes and Rick Maki are enjoying the new bocce ball courts. In his college days, he played hockey at Michigan Tech. Mary is a fine baker. They found their way here from California to Unit 10

David Ambler and Vicki Froistad formerly of California are at home in Unit 8A. They love to play golf and David is a potter.

Marilyn Heasley and Jim Lukacs are snowbirds from Washington State. Jim loves all the amenities and community sports. His interest is lapidary. Marilyn is a golfer and loves socializing. They live in Unit 3.

Robin and David Muck love the SaddleBrooke Ranch amenities, especially the swimming pool and pickleball courts. They moved from California and are at home in Unit 6.

Roger and Marsha Lindeken lived in Saudia Arabia and Nevada before settling into Unit 9. He is in Rotary and Marsha plays mah jongg, golf, pickleball, and bocce ball.

Elizabeth and Lou Mastro recently from California are at home in Unit 6. Elizabeth plays bocce ball, pickleball, and likes to run. She also rescues labrador retrievers. Aside from work, Lou has taught financial literacy to high school and college students.

Kathi and Jim Dyer from California are at home in Unit 10. They already have new friends through pickleball.
Linda Harvey and Linda Shannon-Hills
Please extend a warm welcome and a wave to the newcomers who closed in February. We are so glad they have joined our beautiful community. A great program has been developed to introduce newcomers to SaddleBrooke Ranch and for the community to get to know the newcomers. The first step in the program is a webinar, held monthly through Zoom for all new residents. New homeowners are emailed registration information within the first two months of their arrival at SaddleBrooke Ranch. They are also told about the webinar by their newcomer welcome volunteer in the unit. Finally, the invitation is sent as part of the Monday Reminders. The second step in the program is when homeowners attend a photo shoot to have their pictures appear in the SaddleBrooke Ranch Roundup newspaper. This is also run by the newcomer welcome volunteers. The date and location are part of the information shared by the volunteer when they make contact with the newcomer. Social distancing and masks are required. Appointments are not mandatory, but are helpful for planning purposes. For more information, please contact me through my email at [email protected].
4A: Jelle and Diann Boot
4B: Robert and Kathleen Lyon
6: David and Patricia Nelson and Robin and David Muck
9: Leonard and Nickolette Barbee; Rocky and Karen Hart; and David and Lydia Sparks
17: Linda and James Parkinson; Terry and Sandra Cooper; James and Donna Mabbott; and David Ranville and Patricia Spizzirri
46A: Thomas and Nancy Hurlburt