Welcome New Neighbors

Linda Harvey and Linda Shannon-Hills

Please extend a warm welcome and a wave to the newcomers who closed in February. We are so glad they have joined our beautiful community. A great program has been developed to introduce newcomers to SaddleBrooke Ranch and for the community to get to know the newcomers. The first step in the program is a webinar, held monthly through Zoom for all new residents. New homeowners are emailed registration information within the first two months of their arrival at SaddleBrooke Ranch. They are also told about the webinar by their newcomer welcome volunteer in the unit. Finally, the invitation is sent as part of the Monday Reminders. The second step in the program is when homeowners attend a photo shoot to have their pictures appear in the SaddleBrooke Ranch Roundup newspaper. This is also run by the newcomer welcome volunteers. The date and location are part of the information shared by the volunteer when they make contact with the newcomer. Social distancing and masks are required. Appointments are not mandatory, but are helpful for planning purposes. For more information, please contact me through my email at linda_harvey@hotmail.com.

4A: Jelle and Diann Boot

4B: Robert and Kathleen Lyon

6: David and Patricia Nelson and Robin and David Muck

9: Leonard and Nickolette Barbee; Rocky and Karen Hart; and David and Lydia Sparks

17: Linda and James Parkinson; Terry and Sandra Cooper; James and Donna Mabbott; and David Ranville and Patricia Spizzirri

46A: Thomas and Nancy Hurlburt