Linda Harvey and Linda Shannon-Hills
Join in welcoming the 18 new homeowners who closed on their properties in July. Their names and unit numbers are listed at the end of this article.
If you are new to SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) or new to your home or villa, please stop by the Front Desk to introduce yourself to Jamie Shipley and pick up your orientation material. If you are moving from one home to another in SBR, or are a renter, it is recommended that you also stop by the Front Desk. There is more to moving in than getting a set of keys and a gate pass.
Shipley, the HOA employee at the Front Desk can help ensure that the credit authorization is in place so charges for food gets credited to your HOA statement properly; that you have a four-digit code as a backup for entrance to the community; that you can access the HOA website; and much more. She is also the contact for getting a Guest Pass for your guests so they can use the fitness center facilities. The Front Desk is located in the Ranch House near the main ballroom entrance.
Moving into a new community can be daunting with everything that needs to be done, but we are fortunate to have a team of welcome volunteers who can offer a brief respite from the hassle of moving. These volunteers have information designed specifically for SBR residents. This information is presented from a resident’s point of view and can help acquaint the new resident with the community. The information is in the form of a digital handbook and is entitled the Settler’s Guide.
In addition, each newcomer is also invited to attend an informal gathering of residents, which is held monthly. The gathering is an opportunity to share information and to socialize with new homeowners. Photos are also taken for the SaddleBrooke Ranch Roundup newspaper. While the photo is optional, it is a good way to be introduced to the community. If you would like more information about any of these newcomer welcome activities, please contact Linda Harvey at [email protected] or Linda Shannon-Hills at [email protected] for more information.
Closings in July
Unit 2: Kevin and Dawn Voreis
Unit 6: John Zukin and Anne Kraul
Unit 8A: Eric Stover, Michael and Maureen Bartel
Unit 16A: Steven and Marcia Unruh
Unit 17: John Grah and Robert Smith, Thomas and Ruth Zoccoli, Thomas and Elaine Anderson, Daniel and Kathryn Anderson, Robert and Judith Askelson
Unit 18A: Keith and Deborah Vincent, Evan and Ellen Soldinger, Leslie Hopkins and Jimmie Butts, Thomas and Janeen Schuon
Unit 18B: Obert and Toni Selk, Laura Haslett-Mowrey, Leonard and Nickolette Barbee
Villas 21A: Mark and Kay Sitek