Women’s Club to meet Monday, February 12


Donna P. Nelson

Come join the Women’s Club on Monday, February 12. It will be a Tucson Rodeo theme; we encourage you to wear your best cowgirl or western themed attire!

Our guest speaker will be Dr. David J. Friedman, M.D., who is an Allergist and Immunologist at Allergy Partners of Arizona right in Oro Valley. He is familiar with desert flora and the local allergic landscape. He takes a proactive and comprehensive approach to treating allergic diseases. He encourages lifestyle modifications and harnessing the power of the immune system to heal disease. He will give us practical tips and ways to strengthen our immune system regardless if you have allergies or not.

In February, don’t forget about the Women’s Club cookbook! Please bring a separate check for cookbook pre-orders; we will have a separate table to take care of this at registration, it’s $10 per cookbook.

We welcome new attendees (who are not on our list); kindly contact Evie [email protected] to pre-register (because of cost commitments for catered lunches).