Ladies on the 14th tee, left to right: Terrie Pompa, Jennifer Valverde, Patty Cimo, Mary Hoover

Closest to the pin on hole number 5, left to right: Diane Taylor, Carol Garofalo, Fran Harrington
Debbie Ferguson
Hello, golf fans! Tuesdays in July provided the usual hot and windy conditions here at the Ranch. Temps reached triple digits by mid-rounds. July 4 had no league play; we hope you enjoyed the party on the event patio.
July 11 offered a fun team game, Step Aside Scramble. The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) twist to this game was three drives from each player were required to be used by each team. This is a four-person team game, in which all players hit the tee shot, and the team chooses the best shot to play going forward. If your shot is chosen, you step aside and do not hit the next shot. Play continues in this manner until the ball is holed out. Strategy was evident, which drive would each team use? If the longest drive was used, would the remaining three golfers have the skill to blast their balls over the arroyos? Who was confident, who had their “A” game on this particular day? Who just wanted the round to be over? Golf fans, these decisions were necessary on each and every shot!
The team that expertly navigated these decisions to victory were first place, Cheszek, Ferguson, Gaskill, and blind draw, with an astonishing -21. Second place, with a card off, no less impressive at -20, was Mihal, Osterlund, Saffran, and Dyer. Third place at -20 was Alexandra, Pharr, Richter, and Hoover. Withdrawal for medical was the team of Schuster, Steel, and Valverde. SBRWGA wished the injured party a speedy recovery.
July 18 brought the game of Three Blind Mice. Golf fans, this game subtracts the same three, unknown holes, from each scorecard at the end of the round. Players could be heard praying their double bogey holes were eliminated and their birdie and in this reporter/player’s case, net par holes were used for scoring. Speculation was rampant until the scores were announced via email. The lucky flight winners were flight one, a tie at +1: Sterlyn Robertson and Brenda Armenia. Flight two: Joanne Garcia was the runaway winner at -5. Flight three had Jeanne Osterlund 5 strokes ahead of the next competitor, while flight four had Babara Saffan ahead by 3. Flight five was the closest of the day with Mary Hoover the victor by one shot. Congratulations to all of this month’s winners.
On July 27, the course was closed for scheduled maintenance. Aaron and his crew were hard at work scraping and punching the course and greens. To the untrained eye, the course looked in rough shape. Let me reassure you, golf fans, that the course, with a little help from mother nature, was looking as good or better in two weeks.
Upcoming dates to remember:
Monday, Oct. 2: General Meeting at 9 a.m. in the La Hacienda building.
Oct. 9-10: Club Championship. All SBRWGA members are eligible to play and win in their respective flights. Only players with 10 or more rounds on league days are eligible to win overall low gross and net.
Nov. 7: Annual Meeting
Until next month, golf fans, stay hydrated and hit’em straight.