Yom Kippur Thoughts, Memories, and Events

Melanie Einbund

Why people of the Jewish Faith Observe Yom Kippur. Following Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement, is considered the most important holiday of the Jewish faith. The holiday marks the end of the 10 Days of Awe, a period of introspection and repentance. According to tradition, it is on Yom Kippur that God decides each person’s fate, so Jews are encouraged to make amends and ask forgiveness for sins committed during the past year. The holiday is observed with a 25-hour fast and special religious services.

Institute of Judaic Services and Studies (IJSS) congregants will observe Yom Kippur beginning with evening services on Oct. 4 and ending after Concluding Services on Oct. 5.

Evening services begin with Robert Marshall, cellist playing ‘Kol Nidre’ for the congregation. This melody, also known as ‘All Vows,’ can be mesmerizing allowing us to move from the day’s activities to a period of peace and contemplation.

Following, Rabbi Sanford Seltzer will lead the congregation through the five services of Yom Kippur. Eliyanah Powers, cantorial soloist, and Harrison Sheckler, accompanist, will be supporting Rabbi Seltzer through prayers and music.

Break The Fast. Many will be very hungry after Yom Kippur services. IJSS and The Jewish Friendship Group will be holding a ‘Break The Fast’ event for members. Eating together and enjoying conversation with friends helps to set the pace for the New Year.

Shabbat Services. IJSS Shabbat Services are held every month following High Holy Days through April. Please mark your calendars for Nov. 4, Dec. 16 (Chanukah), Jan. 27, Feb. 24, March 24, and April 28.

Rabbi Seltzer will be officiating each Shabbat service, with Eliyanah Powers and Harrison Sheckler supporting.

Onegs (an informal gathering) typically occur after Shabbat services. It is a time to gather with food and conversation. Members are encouraged to sponsor an Oneg to celebrate or observe a favorable event or a memory. If you are interested in sponsoring an Oneg, please contact Sam Horowitz at [email protected].

IJSS is a small and welcoming congregation. We value our members and their needs. If you have questions or wish to join our congregation, please feel free to contact Joan Elder at 520-360-1478 or Seth Eisner at 520-818-6340 for information.

IJSS wishes the community health and happiness for the new year.

L’shana tova.