SBRWGA sponsor posters and golfers social distancing before round two.

Karen Jordan, winner of this year’s Del Sud Tournament, wearing the Del Sud trophy helmet.
Carol Mihal
The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) members recently participated in the Del Sud Tournament sponsored by the Southern District Women’s Golf Association (SDWGA) in southern Arizona. This is a two-day low net eclectic tournament which was played on June 9 and 16. An eclectic game results in one 18-hole score per player. The scorecards for the two rounds are reviewed for each golfer and the lowest score for each hole is used.
There was very good participation in this tournament with 51 ladies who competed. Thank you to our sponsor of this tournament, Gerry Hause of the Long Realty, Mortgage, Title & Insurance Companies.
The winner of this year’s Del Sud Tournament was Karen Jordan with a net score of -10.
Other winners were:
Flight 1: J. Helms (-7), M. Snowden (-7), D. Shelton (-6), J. Callahan (-5), S. Purcell (-5)
Flight 2: M. Rodgers (-7), M. Bartko (-6), C. Reddy (-6), T. Movius (-4)
Flight 3: N. Hugus (-9), S. Pharr (-6), M. Fung (-5), M. Mycka (-5), J. Osterlund (-5)
Flight 4: L. Sherfy (-9), C. Alfrey (-6), M. Carter (-5), M. Hawkins (-5)
Flight 5: M. Anderson (-8), K. Johnson (-8), L. Smith (-7), K. Thomsen (-4)
Flight 6: C. Kerley (-8), B. Chamberlin (-8), L. Chonle (-4), E. Thompson (-2)
Congratulations to our winner, Karen Jordan, and all our winners who received a nice gift card to our Pro Shop, and thank you to all the ladies who participated in this year’s Del Sud Tournament.