Technology Club board
Jeff Kaczmarek
Your new SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Technology Club board met for its 2024 organizational meeting. Ben Eisenstein has been elected president and we welcomed new board members: Bob Kuennen, Dave Selkowitz; Michelle Bills, and Kathy Watson. Dave Richey has stepped down as president and will serve in an emeritus status.
The board is excited to offer interesting and valuable content to our programs this coming year and our new board members bring great enthusiasm to our discussions. We are planning a wide variety of classes and events that will be of interest to SBR residents. We will be holding a communitywide meeting open to everyone at SBR on the topic of “Protecting Yourself Against Computer Scams” on March 26 at 4 p.m. in the La Mesa/La Montana Rooms.
You will be hearing much more about our upcoming programs in the Ranch Reminder. Stay tuned for news!