Picture of red truck with pine tree to be painted (photo from instructor, Janice Mihora)
Dale Farland
The return of Canvas & Cocktails was so well received in October, that the class filled up immediately. So, SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) resident Janice Mihora will once again be bringing her talent to the SBR Art Room on Wednesday, Dec. 6, from 5 to 7:30 p.m. The holiday-themed painting will be a new version of the red truck with a pine tree. If you have last year’s painting, this will be a nice companion piece to it.
The pricing for this class is slightly different from the October event. SBR Art Club members will pay $45 for the class. If you are not a member of the SBR Art Club, the class fee is $50. For only $5 more, nonmembers can enjoy this fun event. As an end-of-the-year celebration, we want nonmembers to be able to participate.
As with previous such events, come with your adult beverage of choice. You can even bring snacks if you like. Look forward to an evening of laughter and friendship as you paint the holiday-themed red truck painting as shown. No previous experience is necessary. Janice will paint with you step-by-step to create your masterpiece.
If you would like to see photos of Janice’s past classes, please visit www.clayandcanvasstudio.com.
Class description: Come and enjoy an evening of creativity and friendship. In this 2 1/2-hour class, participants will learn the basic techniques of acrylic painting and will take home their own personal holiday-themed picture.
Date for class: Wednesday, Dec. 6
Time: 5 to 7:30 p.m.
Class fee: $45 for SBR Art Club members. $50 for nonmembers. Registration and payment is required for both Art Club members and non-Art Club members.
Where: SBR Art Room within the SBR Art & Tech Center
Class size: Minimum: 8, Maximum: 16
Payment deadline date: Wednesday, Nov. 22
Materials the instructor will provide: All materials including canvas, paints, and instructions.
Materials participants to bring: Libation of choice and snacks if you want. You can wear holiday garb if you want.
Registration: Please contact Dale Farland at [email protected] to register. This one-time special event is open to all SBR residents; however, there is a price difference of $5 extra if you are not a member of the SBR Art Club. You must deposit your check made out to SBR Art Club in the lockbox outside the Art Room to confirm registration. Hurry, as this class will fill up fast!