Lynbeth Street

Help Stop Hunger With 23rd SBCO Annual Food Drive

An emergency food box from Tri-Community Food Bank provides the ingredients for nine family meals.

Nancy McCluskey-Moore Imagine having your hungry children crying and begging for breakfast but you have nothing to feed them. In the United States, one of the richest countries on Earth, this shouldn’t happen. However, food insecurity and hunger are very real for 1,518 people, including 426 children and 305 seniors living in Mammoth, San Manuel, and…

New Opportunities Across the Pond

Bob Ellis, president of the Rotary Club of Blairgowrie, Scotland

Barbara Barr While the pandemic has been difficult for all of us, it has also opened doors to new opportunities. For the Rotarians of The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke, one such opportunity was a joint Rotary meeting with the Rotary Club of Blairgowrie of Blairgowrie, Scotland. Since both the Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke and the…

SBR Troopers for Veterans


Kay Lantow and Linda Nicholson On Saturday, Dec. 19, 2020, SaddleBrooke Ranch residents gathered at Evergreen Cemetery in Tucson for the annual Wreaths Across America event. It was a beautiful and sunny morning for the volunteers to participate in honoring our veterans. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the beautiful ceremony which has taken place in previous…

Shalom Club Celebrates Hanukkah Virtually

Arlene Wong Just like many other firsts in 2020, over two dozen members of the SBR Shalom Club celebrated Hanukkah together with the compliments of Zoom. On the first night of Hanukkah, we recited the prayer and lit the first night’s candle. One candle is lit on the first night of Hanukkah, and an additional candle…

Fine Arts Guild: Classes, Classes, Classes!

Moonlight on Saguaro

Karen Brungardt Art classes have resumed in the Topaz room with the proper precautions of social distancing, masks, and hand sanitizer. Please see below for the upcoming scheduled classes. Any of Karen Brungardt’s classes can be taken online from the comfort of your own home while she is teaching in the Topaz room. Please indicate…

SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Happenings

Betty Ryan safely distributing gift certificates for children and families to Lydia Smith of Mountain Vista school in Oracle.

Adopt-A-Family 2020 Kim Schweitzer and Betty Ryan, Co-Chairs For the last 11 years, SaddleBrooke Ranch has participated in the Adopt-A-Family project. In the past, Ranch residents would choose an angel from our tree which contained the name, age, size, and wish list of holiday items for a child or adult. The names are provided by…

Back to the Garden: High Altitude Orange Blossoms

Sheilah Britton The image of plump, colorful fruit against a background of verdant green foliage leaves a lasting impression on any visitor to the Southwest who has left a white, snow-covered universe in the midst of winter. There is something slightly liberating about being able to pick fruit from a tree in your backyard, peel…

Newcomers Are Welcomed Virtually

Linda Shannon-Hills and Linda Harvey The Newcomers Program would like to welcome our new residents that closed in November and December of 2020. Due to the pandemic, our Newcomers Welcome has not been able to hold face-to-face gatherings. Rather we are meeting via Zoom. While some of the people listed here have had their photos…

Whimsy for Today

Becky Kueker The year 2020 made me a different person, and as my husband often says, in a very scary way. I kind of like that definition though. Apparently now you can actually use sarcasm to punch someone out. Never would have considered it before but now, bam, hard left to the jaw. You know…