Lynbeth Street

May at the Golden Goose

Spring has sprung and there is so much to celebrate in May at the Golden Goose Thrift Shop! Look for sweet sales on Cinco de Mayo, Friday, May 5. Find that special gift for mom for Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 14. Saturday, May 20, we will celebrate Armed Forces Day with a 20% military discount…

National Day of Prayer Vigil on May 4

Pam Kravitz Join us at Vista de la Montaña United Methodist Church in Catalina for the National Day of Prayer Vigil on Thursday, May 4. Stop by the sanctuary any time between 10 and 11 a.m. Prayer guides will be available and you will be able to pray in silence. This is a “come as…

SBR Newcomers Welcome Gathering May 11

Linda Shannon-Hills You are loving our wonderful community, but do you know all that is available to you as a new resident? Don’t be overwhelmed with moving to SaddleBrooke Ranch. It’s a new community, new state, new home—you might be thinking, “Where do I find all the information to make settling into this new community easier?”…

Dollars & Sense: A Reverse Way of Thinking

Steve Kaye, CrossCountry Mortgage Aging. It’s a part of life in our communities, so let’s talk about it. Currently, most seniors who are at or nearing retirement age look forward to collecting what to help them financially get by in their senior years? You know this answer … it is ______ ______. Yes! You got…

Time for Spring Cleaning Your Financial Accounts

R.O.S.E. Resources/Outreach to Safeguard the Elderly Spring is finally here, which means it’s time for some spring cleaning! While you may be busy decluttering your home, don’t forget to clean up your financial accounts as well. In addition to organizing your finances, it’s also important to be vigilant against scams and fraud. Here are some…