Shop with us in February and fall in love with the Golden Goose Thrift Shop! We have over 16,000 square feet filled with merchandise sure to delight all of your valentines! Cupid himself would shop here if he could! (We’ve been known to carry professional bows, arrows included!) We offer an impressive selection of fine…
Generals, February 2023
Deadline Reminder and How to Submit Articles
The deadline for the March edition is Feb. 10 by noon. Please send your submissions on time, and early if possible! You can email your submissions to [email protected] or use our website link: For article and photo guidelines, or if you have any questions, please call 480-895-4216.
Generals, February 2023
Jewelry and Lapidary Club Fundraiser
Ellyn Biggs The Jewelry and Lapidary Club mission is to provide SBR residents with the opportunity to experience the joy and satisfaction of creative expression in the art of lapidary and metalsmithing. We teach classes in all areas and can assist in all your projects. So drop by the SBR Jewelry and Lapidary Room at…
Clubs & Classes, February 2023
Avatar: The Way of Water—What We Can Learn
Rev. Suzanne Marlatt Stewart The visually spectacular film Avatar: The Way of Water follows Jake Sully and his companion Neytiri as they try to safeguard their new family from the Resources Development Administration (RDA), which still wants to dominate the world of Pandora. This theme reminds me of our own American history, of the white man…
Clubs & Classes, February 2023
Laughter and Magic for California Club Members!
Arlene Wong The SBR CA Club has another fun night planned for March 19, and we hope you can join us. The planning committee has been hard at work to make our next event an evening of laughter, fun, good food, drinks, and entertainment, while spending time with friends and meeting new neighbors. Invite your…
Front Page, January 2023
Nature’s Way: A Draw for Sandhill Cranes in Winter

Gerald Tietje I first heard that Whitewater Draw was a good place to see Sandhill Cranes in winter on one of Jim Hoagland’s monthly bird walks. I had heard of thousands of Sandhill Cranes wintering in Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge in New Mexico, but Whitewater Draw? Where was that? When I found out…
Front Page, January 2023
Putters Enjoy Second Date as Couples

Camille Esterman After an uninvited monsoon washed out a couples’ event, the Ranchette Putters re-scheduled the tournament. On a late afternoon in November, 43 club members and 42 guests assembled on the SBR green—which was filled with an array of obstacles and themed slogans/sayings. The hole decorated with an Uncle Sam’s hat and patriotic items…
Front Page, January 2023
Piecemakers Send Love and Comfort to Kentucky

Mary Shirey Living in a dry climate, it can be hard to fathom entire homes, roads, bridges, and structures being swept away by torrential floods. But in late July, that was the reality across 13 counties in eastern Kentucky. After a week of intense storms turned quiet streams into raging rivers, hundreds of families were…
Front Page, January 2023
An Uncommon Birthday Celebration

On Nov. 10 at 5 p.m., guests found the Sol Ballroom warmly lit, the portable bar abuzz with tuxedoed dignitaries, military uniforms and elegant people were in the crowd, and a color guard stood alert at the open door. A birthday cake bearing an eagle, globe, and anchor was readied, as was a small empty…
Sports, January 2023
SaddleBrooke Men’s Putters Holds Quarterly Awards Breakfast

Scott Baker The SaddleBrooke Men’s Putters held its third Quarterly Awards Breakfast at the Agave Lounge on Nov. 3. More than 50 members showed up for the breakfast and award presentations. The following awards were presented for Lowest Average Gross Scores: 1st place—Dave Rutowski, 2nd place—Bruce Anderson, 3rd place—Dave Gartner. For Lowest Average Net Scores:…