Debora Witten Mike Price, known in the art world as M.E. Price, is a SaddleBrooke Ranch resident who paints in oil. In the 2022 Members Juried Show at the Tubac Center of the Arts, Mike won an award for his piece “American Bison.” The piece measures 24×24 inches. Mike’s artistry is represented by the K.…
Sports, January 2023
Dinking Divas Celebrate the Holidays
Generals, January 2023
Welcome New Neighbors
Linda Harvey and Linda Shannon-Hills Welcome to our new neighbors moving into our beautiful community. We have a wonderful welcome program for all new residents to SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR). Moving into a new community can be a daunting experience, and our Newcomers Welcome volunteers want to help with the transition. Our group consists of resident…
Sports, January 2023
Bocce Club Holds Fall League Finals
The SaddleBrooke Ranch Bocce Club recently finished their fall league play. This season we had our largest turnout with 30 teams rolling hundreds of bocce balls for seven weeks. On the evening of Dec. 5, after two more days of playoffs, two teams emerged to roll off in the final game. Honor Rollers and Fireballers…
Sports, January 2023
Putters Manage Challenging Weather in November
Camille Esterman “I didn’t wear the right clothes!” “I need to pack extra clothing in my golf cart.” “I never know what to wear!” These were some of the comments heard on the SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) green in November. One week, putters faced icy-cold gale-force winds and their golf balls seemed to skate across the…
Sports, January 2023
Funday Monday Golf Gals’ Christmas Party Was a ‘Hole-in-One!’
Constance Garrison It was a fabulous party hosted by Lisa Brown. We were all asked to make homemade cookies and to wear ugly Christmas sweaters. Upon arrival, each guest was crowned with a silly light-up headband! Lisa had champagne poured, and we enjoyed her fabulous appetizers. Then the Merry Carolers, organized by Steve Hanns, arrived to…
Generals, January 2023
Adopt-a-Family and Adopt-a-Child Programs Delivered a Happier Holiday
Nancy McCluskey-Moore The SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) Adopt-a-Child and Adopt-a-Family programs again brought holiday joy to local families and children. Very generous donors from SaddleBrooke Ranch and SaddleBrooke contributed $63,739 to bring holiday cheer. SaddleBrooke Ranch residents donated $15,200 of the total. Kim Schweitzer and Betty Ryan, who coordinate this program for SaddleBrooke Ranch, wish…
Generals, January 2023
Oracle Schools Foundation
Tapas Anyone? Ann Vernon One of the fixed-price events for the Oracle School Foundation 2022 auction was an authentic Spanish dinner prepared by Nile Vernon and assisted by Ann Vernon and Pat and Ron Andrea. Nile spent many summers in Spain and picked up cooking tips from various families he stayed with while teaching in…
Front Page, December 2022
10th Annual Holiday Lights Tour
Leslie Brown Do you remember bundling up and riding around in the family car to view the twinkling holiday lights? Let’s cruise the streets in golf carts! Mark your calendars for the 10th Annual Holiday Lights Golf Cart Tour to see all that glitters and glows on Saturday, Dec. 17, at 6 p.m. Line up…
Front Page, December 2022
Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights
Kim Schweitzer Hanukkah, Hanuka, Chanukah, or Chanukkah—no matter how you spell it, it is a Festival of Lights. The holiday that Adam Sandler wrote a song about! This might surprise some people, but Hanukkah isn’t all that religious of a holiday, nor a gift-giving one. However, it holds important cultural significance for the Jewish people.…