Linda Shannon-Hills Join the SBR Technology Club special interest group (SIG) to learn about and share experiences with home automation for members, on Thursday, July 22 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., via Zoom. Home automation gives you access to control devices in your home from a mobile device anywhere in the world. The term may be used for isolated…
Sports, July 2021
Bocce at the Ranch

Judy Fisher Bocce has hit SaddleBrooke Ranch by storm! Every day you can find the courts by Ed’s Dogs and the Tennis Courts full of people throwing a little white ball, called the pallino, and red and green balls trying to get closest to it. Encouraging shouts, whistles, and groans can be heard from the players…
Generals, July 2021
Let’s Save Some Lives on July 10

Linda Shannon-Hills On Saturday, July 10, SBR will roll up our sleeves and help save lives as a proud partner with the American Red Cross. The blood drive will be held in the Ranch House Ballroom between 7 a.m. and 1 p.m. You can register to donate at Enter the ZIP code 85623, then scroll…
Clubs & Classes, July 2021
SBR Astronomy Club Notice
Barbara Whitehead The SBR Astronomy Club is a learning and observing club, with group leaders but no dues, no formal meetings, and no officers. No telescope is required. Please come out and enjoy the night sky with us. We also post area star parties on our GroupWorks site. Back in 2019 SaddleBrooke SkyGazer members living at SBR started…
Clubs & Classes, July 2021
Computer or Smart Phone Got You Frustrated?

Linda Shannon-Hills Have you found yourself saying, “This stupid computer drives me crazy. I just don’t get it!” Technology can be so frustrating at times, but we use it all the time, so knowing how something works or where to go for help can create challenges for us. Some just say forget it and just avoid…
Front Page, July 2020
70th Birthday Parade

Georgine Hurst They came to parade on Arroyo Grande! They came walking, biking, driving golf carts and cars. They came with signs, cards, and gifts. Over 60 friends came to wish Wes Hurst a surprise happy 70th birthday! Wes was born in 1950 in Chandler, Okla., on Route 66. Some of the messages that he…
Generals, July 2020
Health Fair Update

Phyllis Ketring, Publicity Coordinator The SaddleBrooke Health Fair Planning Committee is preparing for the annual Health Fair scheduled on Saturday, Oct. 24, from 9 a.m. to noon. Because no one can predict the pandemic situation for the latter half of October, the whole process may be dismantled at a moment’s notice, rather than compromise the…
Sports, July 2020
The SBRPA Leaders are Back on the Courts!

Alastair Stone Can you believe it, the SBRPA has over 360 active members, and most mornings, at least in the first week of June, our 24 courts are full with 96 players (of all levels from 2.0 to 4,5) enjoying themselves. Your communications person apologizes for the quality of some or all of the pictures,…
Generals, July 2020
SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Happenings

Mary and Mike Redgrave Donate to the SBCO Scholarship Endowment Program Ron Andrea In February 2019, Mary and Mike Redgrave moved to SaddleBrooke Ranch from Sacramento, Calif. Mary had worked in financial services, while Mike ran the state air quality database for the California Air Resources Board. In retirement, both Mary and Mike were looking…