
Borderlands Produce Rescue Event

Pam Kravitz Members of Vista de la Montana United Methodist Church in Catalina hosted their first “produce rescue” event on Nov. 11, and a second event on Dec. 9, bringing a much-needed resource to this area. The work of Borderlands produce rescue can be summarized in three categories: rescue, redistribute, and recycle. Each year Borderlands produce rescue…


Former Lt. William Myers, CEC, USN The Catalina Mountain Chapter (CMC) of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) held a recent luncheon meeting on Nov. 18 at SaddleBrooke Ranch. The meeting began with a business session presided over by retired Col. William Nagy, U.S. Army, former President and Board of Director Member, during which members were…

A Special Gift from Rotary

Rotary International and Barbara Barr Bengen A group of third graders are going to be receiving a special gift—the gift of words. The Rotary dictionary project is a nationwide effort to provide young students with their own personal dictionaries. Members of the SaddleBrooke Rotary Club distribute the dictionaries to students in third grade at Mountain Vista…

Musical Duo Comes Full Circle at Free February Concert

Nancy Carlson Bruce and Nancy Carlson have been singing together since 1966 when they met at college. Doesn’t their photo remind you of the ’60s, folk music, tie-dye, and love beads? Now older, (much older!) they’re still making music together. With a new name, Acoustic West, Bruce and Nancy will perform a free concert on…

Ranchette Putters November Award Winners

Pam Engelhardt November was a month with five Wednesdays to rack up lots of holes-in-one, and that they did! We had more than 579 Putters who participated in the month of November. Here are the results. Lowest Goss Average—Doris Carlin, 35.200 Second Lowest Gross Average—Barbara Saffron, 35.500 Third Lowest Gross Average—Marilyn Heasley, 35.667 Lowest Net Average—Bernice Casey, 32.933…

What Is Pickleball?

Come join the fun and find out! Learn about pickleball on Tuesday, Jan. 9, at 3 p.m. Please arrive 15 minutes early at the Ramada for paperwork. Space is limited to 28 people, so visit our website at to register, then click on “Click to reserve a space” below the flyer sign. What you’ll need for…

Precept Bible Studies

Judy Smith Many of us have questions about the chaos in the world. Does the Bible give us answers? Does God care about me? Precept Bible studies here at the Ranch provide the tools to find the answers to your questions. They will help you study the Scriptures in a way that can help you comprehend the…

Democratic Club of SaddleBrooke Ranch Hosted Visit by Common Defense

M.C. Nelson The SaddleBrooke Ranch Democratic Club hosted a visit by Common Defense, the largest grassroots organization of veterans standing up for communities against racism, hate, and violence. Derek Duba, retired military linguist and intelligence, their Western Regional organizer, and Sylvia Andersh, veteran, presented their background and what work the organization does. It was a very…