Linda Lyon The campus may be closed for now, but coordination and planning for Oracle School District (OSD) bond projects continues behind the scenes. The goal—deliver maximum return on your investment in terms of student and staff safety, student achievement, and operational efficiency. To meet that goal, in March our Governing Board approved the selection…
Category: June 2020
Features, June 2020
Hobbyist During the Sequester
Generals, June 2020
SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Happenings

Thank You Masked Men Linda Shannon-Hills A huge thank you goes out to the six men from SaddleBrooke Ranch that collected food items needed by the Tri-Community Food Bank. Over seven SUVs full of food were delivered on Wednesday, May 13, donated by our generous residents. The Tri-Community Food Bank in Mammoth serves 350 families…
Generals, June 2020
Community Circle Players: The Veteran and the New Kid on the Block

Ande Molberg Start planning ahead for this fall! Community Circle Players’ (CCP) An Evening of One Acts will be produced November 13 through 19, and directed by five different capable community theatre enthusiasts. Because one act plays appeal to a wide audience, they are fun to present. If you don’t care for one or two of them,…
Clubs & Classes, June 2020
SaddleBrooke Ranch Residents and Square Dancers Team Up to Make Medical Masks

Rebecca Williams In early April at the suggestion of Rick and Elaine Beeble of the SaddleBrooke (SB) Squares, the Squares and their sister club, Rancheros Square Dance Club, undertook a formidable challenge to make 500 medical masks for visiting nurses, Senior Village volunteers, vulnerable SaddleBrooke residents, nursing homes, foster care social workers, pediatric clinics, Tucson Medical…
Clubs & Classes, June 2020
7,000 Pounds of Produce Gone in 29 Minutes

Barbara Barr The day before Easter sunday was cold and rainy, but that didn’t keep hundreds of families away from the Oracle Community Center to pick up fresh produce for their families. The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke and Rotary District 5500 raised money to provide 7,000 pounds of produce for families in need in the…
Front Page, June 2020
Rising to the Challenge: Residents Donate 63 Units of Blood

Linda Shannon-Hills Donating blood makes a big difference in the lives of others. SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) residents have always stepped up to the challenge during our regular blood drives, but our May blood drive was challenged when the HOA had closed the facilities back in March. The question became, what can we do to hold a…
Generals, June 2020
Unit Happenings: Staying Apart, Staying Connected

Janelle Authur Governor Ducey’s March 31 executive order for Arizona residents to stay home, stay healthy, and stay connected emphasized the importance of social connectedness. Unit 8A-er’s took the suggestion to heart, organizing several unit events and happy hours that respected social distancing, while encouraging social connectedness (and keeping the unit’s streak of monthly happy…
Sports, June 2020
SBRWGA Lady Golf Team Takes Second Place Gross in Tucson’s CWGA Competition
Carol Mihal Twenty-eight ladies from the SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) participated in this year’s City Women’s Golf Association (CWGA) Golf Tracks season competition. The CWGA group, originally formed in 1951, organizes six tournaments at various golf courses in and around Tucson to provide cross-city golf competition with individual stroke play, using the Stableford…
Generals, June 2020
From The New Home Sales Team
Our website,, features an exciting new way to tour our innovative model homes and resort-style amenities. * 3D virtual walkthrough tours of our models * iDesigner will help you browse through hundreds of options to personalize your home * Use our interactive floor plans to get a feel of the homes * Take a visual journey…