David Zapatka Reader and dear friend Ellen Engel suggested I look at Mental Floss’ article on contronyms. I subscribed to Mental Floss for years and enjoyed the magazine. Today, you can only read it online, as its print version has been discontinued. Contronym noun con·tro·nym | ˈkän-trə-ˌnim variant – contranym: a word having two meanings that contradict one…
Category: Features
Features, November 2021
2 Your Health: Surviving the Holidays with Massage
Heidi Overman, Licensed Massage Therapist, #MT-24997 It’s my favorite time of year, Autumn. Everyone is hustling and bustling. We are cleaning our homes, decorating for the upcoming holidays, shopping, and preparing for parties! Super fun! It’s also my most stressful time of year, Autumn. Everyone is hustling and bustling. We are cleaning our homes, decorating for the…
Features, November 2021
Diana Madaras Paints the Saguaro

January 1 through January 31, 2022, Madaras Gallery will feature Diana Madaras Paints the Saguaro. Madaras is known for her colorful depictions of the Sonoran Desert landscape. In this collection of saguaro “portraits,” Diana captures the animated spirit of Tucson’s favorite native cactus. Madaras Gallery is located at 3035 N. Swan Road and is open…
Features, November 2021
SaddleBrooke Ranch Technology Club: Cutting the Cord and Home Automation SIGs in November
Linda Shannon-Hills A special interest group (SIG) is a community within a larger organization that has a shared interest in advancing a specific area of knowledge, learning, or technology where members cooperate to affect or to produce solutions within their particular field, and may communicate, meet, and organize conferences. The Cutting the Cord SIG has…
Features, November 2021
Coopers’ 50th Wedding Anniversary

Terry Cooper Sandy and Terry Cooper (Unit 17) celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Oct. 9th by going to see the Journey tribute band Voyager with 30 other SB Ranchers. Then they spent three nights at the Hacienda del Sol resort in Tucson. They married in San Diego while Terry was still in the submarine service and…
Features, November 2021
Dollars and Sense: Some Considerations When Buying a Home in Retirement
Douglas Sedam There is nothing like punching that time clock for the last time as you picture your imminent golden years—full speed ahead to sun, golf, and travel. The first few years of retirement are usually when people start thinking about downsizing and/or relocating. But in your zeal to “live the dream,” you might overlook…
Features, November 2021
This I Have Learned: Taps—Its History and Power, in Honor of Veterans Day
Mary Jo Bellner Swartzberg The first time I heard Taps was in the movie From Here to Eternity in a scene when pugilist Prewitt (played by Montgomery Clift) held his bugle to his lips and played a mournful bugle sound while crying for the loss of his friend, Angelo Maggio (played by Frank Sinatra). It was not until…
Features, November 2021
U.S. Marines—Flag and Seal, Song, and Motto
Ross Dunfee Flag and Seal: Marines used the Grand Union flag, and possibly the Gadsden flag (yellow flag with a “Don’t Tread on Me” rattlesnake), during the assault on New Providence Island, The Bahamas, March 3, 1776. During the 1830s and 1840s, the flag consisted of a gold fringed white field centered with an eagle and…