Category: February 2022

Word of the Month: Chicane

David Zapatka The Tour de France is one of the greatest sporting spectacles of the year. I love watching the drama and triumph. While watching the broadcast, I heard a commentator describe the upcoming chicane in the course and knew immediately that “chicane” would be my next word of the month. Chicane verb chi·cane | shi-ˈkān…

Putters Face Challenges in December

Camille Esterman How do you describe Arizona’s weather in December? Do the words cold, cloudy, windy, and brisk come to your mind? Well the Ranchette Putters experienced all of these conditions on the SBR 18-hole green, including spurts of sunlight that required shedding layers of clothing. Our club members still had a great time in…

IJSS Celebrates Shabbot and Tu B’shevat

Well, we figured we had it all arranged. And then COVID, again! So, muster we did and asked our members their thoughts, and Zoom it was. Shabbat service was held on Jan. 28 via Zoom. Rabbi Laura Harari officiated. All about Tu B’shevat and What Happens at a Seder? The New Year for trees has a tax, go…

SBR Mending Souls—Make a Difference

Linda Shannon-Hills Would you like to become a volunteer angel, making a difference for someone in need? Volunteering brings joy to our hearts. If you sew, knit, crochet, papercraft, or embroider, you can make a difference. We also need other volunteers to cut out and assemble kits for others to make. Do you love to…

APPL Season 2022 Has Begun!

The Arizona Pickleball Players League (APPL) kicked off season 2022. Team APPL was busy throughout the summer and fall preparing for our biggest season ever. More than 300 teams and over 3,000 players will play this year. SaddleBrooke Ranch belongs to the southern region of the APPL and has players of all levels joining in…

Funday Monday Golf Group

Fun, fun, fun in the warm Arizona sun! The Funday Monday Gals are back. After a long hiatus due to COVID, we are once again having our monthly happy hour on a rotating basis on a designated Monday of each month. We play golf first and then meet at the designated host’s home for the party.…

Donations of Hygiene Products Are Needed

Linda Shannon-Hills The SBR Mending Souls group is collecting donations of various hygiene items for the Salvation Army Hospitality House, Emerge, and the various homeless shelters in the Tucson area as well as other local areas. Vulnerable people need items to help them feel clean and fresh. A list of items needed are: .5 oz.…

Unit Happenings

Unit 16B Lights Up the Holidays Joy Hellard Whether the 16B residents chose the sophisticated lighting of gold and silver, or an inflatable surfing Santa in a Hawaiian shirt, the unit was a sea of shimmering splendor throughout the 2021 holiday season. Creating its own SaddleBrooke Ranch “Festival of Lights,” 16B residents outdid themselves this…