Susan Ness, Colleen Carey, Janice Mihora, and Debbie Huffman (photo by Diane Taylor)

Diana Walton and Carol Frizzell (photo by Diane Taylor)
Marci Whitehead
SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) enjoyed their third annual Member/Guest golf tournament April 24, 25, and 26. The unique theme this year was “Golf Around the World” and included three fun-filled days of golf and games. All the ladies met new friends and welcomed members’ friends from as far away as Montana and Michigan. Of course, everyone was delighted to enjoy some of our beautiful Arizona weather!
The event started out on Monday with a chipping/pitching contest along with a 4-hole putting contest. The fun continued with a “get to know and mingle” party with pizza and cocktails in Monika Bartko’s beautiful backyard.
The next two days of golf were competitive but fun. Two different game formats, Best Ball and Chapman Scotch, were played and the scores over the two days were added together to determine overall and flight winners. Lunch followed in the Ranch House afterwards.
Congratulations to this years’ winners, Diana Walton and her guest Carol Frizzell! Well done ladies!
Each of the flights represented a world-famous golf spot with five winners in each.
We would like to thank all the volunteers who went into making this event wonderful! Many behind-the-scenes volunteers should be recognized for their relentless work: our Golf Pros Mike and Ken, the Greens Crew for setting up the pitching contest, men from our SaddleBrooke Ranch Men’s Golf Association, ladies from SBRWGA who were not playing in the event, and the social committee that spent many creative hours on centerpieces for the luncheon, building putting courses, creating backdrops for pictures, and organizing the world balloon game! There were also many awesome donations for the door prizes! Thank you!
And finally, a gigantic thank you to all our wonderful sponsors that made this tournament possible, especially Robson Resort Communities, who was the title sponsor.
We are looking forward to next year’s Member/Guest and the adventure on which it takes us.