November at the Golden Goose

Ann Coziahr

Share your love of the Golden Goose Thrift Shop this November with family and friends. Pair your Goose visit with a scrumptious lunch at one of several notable restaurants here in Catalina, and your holiday guests will be wowed! Want to talk turkey? The Goose has the goods for your holiday needs, and all for pennies on the dollar! The best part is that every purchase you make at the Goose helps a local child, senior, or family in need.

Thank you, Golden Goose customers, donors, volunteers, and staff for making good things happen every day! Without you, the Golden Goose would not have been able to gift more than $20 million to our local communities through SaddleBrooke Community Outreach and IMPACT of Southern Arizona, who share 100% of the Golden Goose profits equally. Please visit our website,, for more information on the great charitable work being done.

Attention All Goosers—Estate Quality Event

We are proud to bring you our annual Estate Quality Event, Tuesday through Saturday, Nov. 7 through 11! The event will be regular shop hours, featuring: antiques, vintage and collectibles, gold and silver jewelry, watches, sterling, militaria, ephemera, Native American, mid-century modern, industrial, furniture, fine china and porcelain, pottery, basketry, rugs, toys, linens, crystal, art glass, clothing, art, sculpture, western, victorian, books, collections, electronics, avionics, tools, cameras, clocks, and so much more! You won’t want to miss this once-a-year event! Put it on your calendar now, and join us at the Goose.