SBRWGA hosts 2nd Home and Home and Home tournament

  CJ Kerley On May 8, 2018 the SBR Women’s Golf Association hosted its second annual “Home & Home & Home” Tournament with 104 golfers participating. Women Golfers from SaddleBrooke One, SaddleBrooke TWO, MountainView and the Preserve were invited to play in a two best ball low net competition with members of the SBR Women’s…

SBRMGA member behind the scenes

  Tom Graham The year 2018 ushered in a new look to the Men’s Golf Association. We recognized a need and a member volunteered. It takes a genuine commitment from a behind the scenes member. Jeff Silver has completely redone the outdoor bulletin board and has the indoor board presently in transition from one special…

SBRTA’s Dos de Mayo skills, drills and thrills event

  Georgine Hurst The evening fun began on the courts with participants divided into four teams. The teams and individuals received points for successful play. On Court 4 each team member had six shots to get the ball through one of two hoops secured to the net and/or to knock down the inflated dastardly dude…

Unit 4B get together

  Camille Esterman With 88 home sites in our unit and new neighbors moving in weekly and snowbirds getting ready to leave, the residents of 4B had a block party on Sunday, April 22. Tables were set up in the street and were soon filled with appetizers and desserts to share. Everyone brought their own…

Queen of Swing for May

CJ Kerley SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association Queen of Swing winners for May were Linda Sherfy with a low gross of 87 and Cathy “CJ” Kerley with a low net of 67 after a scorecard playoff with Pam Horwitt. The Queen of Swing monthly tournament is held on the first Tuesday of each month. This…

Gardeners Exchange

  Margaret Larmour The Gardeners Exchange of SaddleBrooke Ranch in conjunction with the SaddleBrooke/SaddleBrooke Ranch Master Gardeners welcomes you to attend “Small Wonders,” by Dr. Frank Rose, garden writer, artist, photographer and nature lover, on Wednesday, June 18 at La Hacienda Club, SaddleBrooke Ranch at 1:00 p.m. Dr. Rose, a retired pastor, found his second…