Linda Gorman, Owner/Editor, PetWise Magazine My name is Tiberius Von Fuenfberg Spitzen, Ti or Ti Ti to my friends. I am a German Shepherd with brown eyes and a red and black coat. At just over one year of age I earned my Service Dog and Certified Therapy Dog status. I am a trained…
June 2018
PetWise Spotlight
Front Page, May 2018
Let the games begin!
Rick Dahlin, Co-Chair The men of Unit 8a held their first ever golf scramble on April 4. Sixteen men participated in the inaugural event. Teams were selected by taking the four lowest handicapped players in our unit who then captained each team. Everyone else was assigned teams by using a blind draw. To even…
Front Page, May 2018
4th annual SBR Garden Tour
Kay Lantow Join us for the fourth annual SaddleBrooke Ranch Free Garden Tour this Saturday, May 5, from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Maps and instructions with details about each of the six unique gardens will be available to SaddleBrooke Ranch residents. Check under the “Files” listings at the SBR Facebook page and the “Documents”…
May 2018
Thank you, residents
Carol Smith Gathering Hearts would like to thank all those who donated hygiene products for Youth On Their Own. Once again, we had a nice donation of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, razors, hair products and miscellaneous items to take to Youth On Their Own. Youth On Their Own people are barely…
Front Page, May 2018
SBRPA to offer new player/beginning coaching and evening clinics in May
Ron Green Our mission is to establish SaddleBrooke Ranch as a premiere pickleball community serving all skill levels and formats of play, while promoting the passion and sport of the game. We welcome all SaddleBrooke Ranch residents to use our pickleball facilities, participate in coaching sessions for new players and join our club. Every…
May 2018
The New York/New Jersey Club members are Topgolfers
Kim Schweitzer A group from The New York/New Jersey Club had a great time at Topgolf recently. Most of us played, all of us enjoyed the camaraderie, the beautiful surroundings and great weather. For those of us who had never experienced Topgolf, it was a wonderful evening! It is a high tech indoor/outdoor golf…