Arlene Wong On December 15 the SBR Photography Group met and were treated to a special presentation by our very own resident photographer, Bob Hills. Approximately 30 people attended and learned how to compose great images during Bob’s workshop called The Photographer’s Eye. We learned to make great photographs which requires both technical and…
February 2018
SBR Photography Group focuses on composition
February 2018
SBR Pickleball Association: 2017 year in review
February 2018
SBR resident performs concert February 17
Bruce Carlson SaddleBrooke Ranch resident Bruce Carlson will be doing a concert at Catalina State Park on Saturday, February 17 at 3:00 p.m. You’ve probably seen Bruce limping around the pool area in a white cowboy hat as he is recovering from a broken femur. The music genre he writes and sings is Folk/Americana. His…
February 2018
SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Club thanks residents for donations to Fischer House
Donna Nelson The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s club is grateful to all Ranchers who generously donated to Fischer House of Southern Arizona. Fischer House concept is similar to Ronald McDonald Houses wherein they provide housing, food, transportation and support to families and relatives in need of long-term medical attention and care at the Southern Arizona VA…
February 2018
SaddleBrooke Ranch Golf Course Maintenance receives appreciation gift
Colleen Carey and Mark Klicker Once again, our community came together to show our appreciation to Jeff Mitchell and his hard working golf crew. This was our fourth year organizing this event and the generosity gets better and better. Special thanks to the men’s league for their very generous donation and to all the…
Front Page, January 2018
Happy New Year! What can Line Dancing do for you in 2018?
Dr. Mark Magdanz Why line dance after the seasonal celebrations fade? The lessons provided at SaddleBrooke Ranch promote the maintenance and improvement of your mental and physical health. How can this activity do it? Just to review a few ways: (1) Memory and Learning: choreographed movements require some memorization, concentration, reading skills. Learning new skills…