Partners Western Dance activities for fall

The Western Dance Club

Jane Gromelski, Partners Western Dance Club President In mid-October Jane and Stan Gromelski, SaddleBrooke residents, will offer Beginner Texas 2-Step and Western Waltz dance classes again on Wednesdays starting at 6:00 p.m. Classes will be held in the MountainView Ballroom. Classes began on October 18. They will run for five weeks, and tuition is $40…

SBR Employee Appreciation

Ardith Rossi Since 2012 the residents of SaddleBrooke Ranch, through the Employee Appreciation Committee, have celebrated the 40+ employees of The Bistro, Patrol, Facilities/Maintenance and Gate Greeters during the holiday season. These individuals serve us our food and mix our drinks, watch over our homes while we travel, maintain and repair the facility, keep the…

SaddleBrooke Ranch Roots

Pegg Ridolfo At our November monthly meeting we will continue to discuss DNA testing. This meeting we will focus on Y-DNA and show what connections you might be able to make with the results of this test. Y-DNA is the way to trace your male line into the distant past. If you or a family…

Have you ever been to the Oracle Visitors Center?

Learn what the area has to offer at the Oracle Visitor’s Center

Alicia Bristow, President, Oracle Network The Oracle Visitors Center welcomes SaddleBrook Ranchers! If you have friends or family visiting and want to know what there is to do in the area, stop in at the Center to learn about local events, happenings, places to eat/shop and about historic B&B lodgings. You will also learn where…

P.E.O. Chapter FF fundraising event

P.E.O. Chapter FF, a philanthropic educational organization, will have a fundraising event, Helping Women Reach for the Stars Through Education, on January 28, 2018 at SaddleBrooke HOA One Vistas. The $42 ticket price includes dinner of either ribs or chicken, entertainment and a donation to P.E.O. Tickets go on sale November 1, 2017 at HOA…

Old-Time Radio Club meeting in November

Norman Schickedanz OTR (old-time radio) fans will meet Tuesday, November 7 at 1:30 p.m. in SaddleBrooke. They will listen to Rudy Vallee’s Fleischmann Yeast Hour from 1935 with guests including actor Leslie Howard and boxer Joe Louis Club members come from SaddleBrooke and Tucson. They listen to OTR shows and share interests, experiences and enjoyment…