Camille Esterman
Hot and humid days in August are often called the “dog days” of summer. Is this because we’ve all seen our canine friends panting with their tongues hanging out? Or because the August skies find the Dog Star, Sirius, rising and setting with the sun? Ancient astronomers thought the star shared its heat with the sun, creating extra hot weather. Heat and humidity, however, did not stop the Ranchette Putters from rising to the challenge and conquering steamy conditions.
Each month, prizes are given out to ladies with the first, second, and third lowest gross average scores, putters who sink six or more holes-in-one and ladies with the first, second, and third lowest net average scores.
SBR Ranchette Putters is proud to announce the August winners. Barbara Saffran and Evie Thompson tied for the third lowest gross average with 36.333. Jean Sticha took second place with a gross average of 35.667. A great putting performance by Sue Marx put her on top with a gross average of 34.500.
Sinking a ball with one stroke is always celebrated on the 18-hole green. Award cards were presented to nine putters who each scored at least six holes-in-one in August: Sue Marx (11), Doris Carlin (9), Loren Wemer (7), Evie Thompson (7), Pam Engelhardt (7), Sandee Bickelhaupt (7), Jean Sticha (6), Barbara Saffran (6), and Wendy Pruiett (6).
The use of handicaps has allowed the club to recognize another group of winners each month. Third place went to Pam Engelhardt with a net average of 35.500. In second place was Janice Hynes with a net average of 35.067. Sandee Bickelhaupt had the best net average with 34.000.
Ranchette Putters is amazed at the talent our August winners displayed. The club invites all female residents of SBR to join us for a fun weekly event. Check out our bulletin board by the Pro Shop for more information, or contact Corky Mansmith at