Patty Cimo, 2023 Telegraph Tournament Winner
Debbie Ferguson
Hello golf fans! Your rookie reporter is back and happy to report that the warm weather has finally arrived at the Ranch. It made for a perfect day for the SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association’s (SBRWGA) annual Telegraph Tournament. This event is sponsored by the Southern District Women’s Golf Association (SDWGA). Clubs across Southern Arizona participate and email the results into the SDWGA so the winners can be honored on their website. This type of tournament was organized many years ago when it was difficult to travel for sporting events, and before there were many organized sporting organizations. Telegraph tournaments were also held in other sports, including swimming, track and field, and tennis. The scores were sent via telegraph and the winners were notified in the same manner. Telegraph tournaments were discontinued in 1977 when the United States Postal Service discontinued telegraph services.
Announcing your 2023 Telegraph Tournament Winner, Patty Cimo. Please congratulate Patty when you see her around the Ranch. Rounding out the winners are: Flight 1, Barb Simms; Flight 2, Patty Cimo; Flight 3, Bev Redfield; Flight 4, Joanne Garcia; Flight 5, Lorraine Smith; Flight 6, Stephanie Gaskill; Flight 7, Ingrid Mcmanus.
SBRWGA would like to welcome in this most public of forums, our new members, Margie Wurster and Annette Cieslak. Both ladies are snowbirds and will be returning to provide some stiff competition in the fall. I am reporting that with no knowledge of either player’s game; I am trying to scare myself into practicing this summer.
A few housekeeping items:
* July 4—No league play for the holiday of our nation’s celebrated birthday. Your Robson HOA will be hosting a pool party. Hitting golf balls into the pool area is highly discouraged. We do understand that several of our members simply cannot help it from the number 1 tee. Please see Mike or Ken for lessons.
* July 26—MVP ladies once again join us for some camaraderie and golf and to build on those friendships made earlier in the month.
Save the date: Monday, July 24. Your SBRWGA will join the SBR Men’s Golf Association for a Ryder Cup match play format tournament. More information to come.
Course Maintenance will have the course closed from July 31 through Aug. 6 for aerifying. Also, every Wednesday between June 1 and Sept. 30, the course will be closed for routine maintenance.
We look forward to seeing everyone on the course.