SBRWGA 2021 Board (left to right): Carol Mihal, Cheryl Reddy, Joanne Oliver, Mindy Hawkins, Susan Pharr, Lorraine Smith, Trish Kelly, Alex Anna, Barb Simms, and Jeanne Osterlund (not pictured: Diane Taylor, Marci Whitehead, and Pam Horwitt)
Carol Mihal
With an unusual and challenging 2020 behind us, the SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) is looking forward to the New Year with its newly-elected board to organize and lead the way to a wonderful year of golf and camaraderie.
A large number of board members from 2020 decided to stay on for another year of service to the SBRWGA. The 2021 board members are President Jeanne Osterlund; Vice President Lorraine Smith; Secretary Joanne Oliver; Treasurer Diane Taylor; Rules/Handicap Chair Trish Kelly and Alex Anna; Social Chair Mindy Hawkins; Membership Chair Marci Whitehead; Sponsorship Chair Cheryl Reddy and Pam Horwitt; Communications Chair Carol Mihal; League Day Chair Susan Pharr; and Webmaster Barb Simms.
With considerable experience from serving this past year, the 2021 SBRWGA board has already planned an active and fun schedule of organized golf activities and events! If you have any interest in joining our golf league, check out our website at www.sbrwga.com or contact our membership chair, Marci Whitehead at [email protected] or by phone at 970-231-8512.