The ladies of SBRWGA celebrate Cuatro de Mayo golf together.

The ladies of SBRWGA celebrate Cuatro de Mayo golf together.
Carol Mihal
On a beautiful morning in early May, 46 ladies of the SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) celebrated the fourth of May (a day earlier than Cinco de Mayo) by playing a game called The Mexican Hat Dance. This game entailed the players of each team deciding who “La Capitana” would be before teeing off on each hole. That person’s net score would count, along with the one additional person’s net score. Each player must be “La Capitana” for at least three holes, and the team’s score would be the total of two net balls per hole.
This game was a fun way to kick off the start of using temporary greens throughout the course, while reconstruction work of all the golf greens has just begun! During this period of golf course reconstruction (approximately five months), no scores may be posted from play on this course. It’s very exciting to see the reconstruction efforts going on, knowing that we will have a wonderful renewed golf course in a few months.
After golf, all the ladies gathered on the patio of the Ranch House Grill, where the SBRWGA treated all participants to their first margarita, beer, or soft drink. Additionally, many door prizes were presented to the lucky ladies whose names were randomly drawn! It was a wonderful and fun day of golf and celebrating together with the ladies of the SBRWGA!