Front row: Brenda Armenia, Nancy Willcoxon, Linda Sherfy, Deb Shelton; second row: Pat Kanitz, Marlyce Mycka, Mary Hoover; third row: Melanie Timberlake, Bonnie Stark, Nancy Galant, Chris Larson, Carol Mihal, Lee Rinke, Janice Mihora; back row: Jo Helms, Trish Kelly

Front row: Michelle Carter, Cheri Alfrey, June Nichols, Mary Schneck; second row: Vicki Godbey, Mary Snowden, Deb Lawson, Joanne Garcia, Colleen Carey, Kate Thomsen; back row: Stephanie Gaskill, Jeanne Hardiman, Lorraine Smith, Joyce DeYoung, Jean Cheszek, Alex Anna
Janice Mihora
The 2017 SBRWGA Ryder Cup began with a kick-off party at the home of Marlyce Mycka on March 13 where Pink Team Captain Marlyce Mycka and Orange Team Captain Cheri Alfrey revealed team selections. Ryder Cup Competition was played on March 14 with a Four-Ball Match Play and March 21 with a Chapman Format. After two days of match play the Pink Team won with 9-1/2 points while the Orange Team had 6-1/2 points. After competition SBRWGA celebrated with a champagne lunch at the Bistro that was subsidized by our generous sponsors where all winners were toasted for their great efforts. A special thank you to the Ryder Cup committee of Bonnie Stark, Connie Klappenbach, Marlyce Myka, Lee Rinke, Colleen Carey, Mary Snowden and Brenda Armenia our special events chair and social chairperson, Mindy Hawkins.