Tag: charity

Animals in Need—You Can Help

Debora Witten Animal shelters need volunteers. The shelters cannot function without the help of volunteers. They need a few hours each week or month. Volunteering your free time can help give an animal another chance. Volunteers help to save the lives of abused, neglected, or abandoned animals. Animals in shelters and rescues often come from…

SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network

New Board Member, Lisa John SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network (SBPRN) would like to introduce our newest board member, Lisa John. Lisa hails from Ridgecrest, Calif., and moved to SaddleBrooke in spring 2021. Before relocating to sunny Arizona, Lisa was a kindergarten and first grade teacher for 30 years. She jokes that this is why her…

SaddleBrooke Ranch Adopt–A–Family “Wrap up”

Kim Schweitzer “Adopting” a family for Christmas is an incredible way to help our neighbors and feel good about doing it. This year, Linda Russell, the Adopt–A–Family coordinator asked me if the residents at SaddleBrooke Ranch could fulfill all the children’s wishes from Mountain Vista School in Oracle. In the past, residents of SaddleBrooke and…

SaddleBrooke Ranch, Mah Jongg and charity

Janice Neal Mah Jongg is a very popular game at SaddleBrooke Ranch. We have many players who are new to the game and people who have played for years. There is a weekly game played on Thursdays in La Hacienda Club, coordinated by Betty Pearce. There are multiple private groups who have weekly games played…

Be an angel for the holidays

Marlene Diskin Give yourself the gift of giving and truly celebrate the holidays this year. There’s no better feeling than helping others, especially children during the upcoming holiday season. Join your Ranch neighbors and support the tenth annual Adopt-a-Family Program. Residents can select an ‘angel’ from our holiday tree in the new Ranch House on…

Support SBCO while shopping at Bashas’

Nancy McCluskey-Moore There is an easy way for your grocery dollars to help improve the lives of needy children in local communities. Buy a Bashas’ Community Card at the SaddleBrooke Community Outreach office in Suite L at the mini-market complex on SaddleBrooke Blvd. The office is open from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through…

20th annual Fore For Kids Charity Golf Tournament

Part of this teenager’s Wish included learning how they make croissants in Paris.

Tim Morsani SaddleBrooke Rotary’s 20th annual Fore For Kids Charity Golf Tournament will take place at the Oro Valley Country Club on April 23. This year’s principle beneficiary is Make-A-Wish Arizona, which grants wishes to Arizona children with life-threatening medical conditions. The great thing about playing in a 44Kids tournament is that even if you…

Mountain Shadow Presbyterian Church activities

Nan Nasser Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church is welcoming back many snowbirds, launching faith enhancing programs and will celebrate its 20th birthday in October. In November we will begin our collection of nonperishable food items suited to Thanksgiving baskets that will be distributed by IMPACT of So. Arizona. December will be our annual time to work…

Gathering Hearts 2017 kickoff

Gathering Hearts next event will be for Youth On Their Own, YOTO. The event will be a gathering of gift cards of $25 from Target, WalMart, Fry’s or Safeway. Your gift will help homeless, at risk youth to purchase food and other essentials. We will collect the cards on Friday, February 22, at the Bistro…