Tag: Community Circle Players

Community Circle Players: Move Over Ms. Mystrie, Agatha Christie Is Coming to SaddleBrooke!

Susan Sterling Community Circle Players (CCP) is always looking for new ways to entertain our SaddleBrooke patrons. For the Spring 2025 production, Tim Morsani is pushing ahead with Witness for the Prosecution by Agatha Christie. When asked why he chose that script Tim said, “Witness for the Prosecution has almost everything to satisfy our audience:…

Why Is This Woman Looking in Residents’ Closets?

Susan Sterling Community Circle Players (CCP) costume designer, Susan Schweitzer, is always on the hunt for unique clothing and vintage accessories. Over the past five years, she has collected hats, gloves, tuxedos, uniforms, skirts, and more, enough to fill several shelves in CCP’s storage area. Susan has costumed an Arab Sheik, an Ambassador, a personality…

Community Circle Players: Mysterie Solved

Susan Sterling It is no mystery that our SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch audiences love a good whodunit. Community Circle Players Director Susan Sterling awoke from her nap and did it! A play has been chosen. Mark your calendars for the last week in March when CCP will present “The House of Agatha Mysterie.” Ms. Mysterie, the…

Spring Director Sleeping on the Job?

Al Weigel What in the world is Susan Sterling, co-founder of Community Circle Players (CCP), doing in this photo? The answer—simply resting! We are excited to announce that Susan will be the director for our March 2024 production. While a specific play hasn’t been selected, Susan, along with others on the CCP Executive Committee, is focused…

A Red Hot Summer Beckons a Cool Spring Play

Jim Ward Whew, it’s been a rough summer … blistering heat, mean monsoons, threatening thunderstorms, wicked wildfires, alarming air quality, a meandering mountain lion, and insufferable inflation. However, there is one thing that we can celebrate. Your Community Circle Players (CCP) executive committee has been meeting in a clandestine underground bunker planning another entertaining and…

CCP Announces Dates for Spring 2024 Dinner Theatre

Susan Sterling Community Circle Players (CCP) has set the dates for a spring 2024 production. Mark your calendars now for entertaining dinner theatre performances during the last week in March. CCP principals have been reading and researching various scripts to tantalize our audience. Could it be a murder mystery in the vein of the well-received…

Cast Chosen for the Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre!

Andrea Molberg Who’s in the “Who Done It?” which playwright Joh Mann describes as “full of murder, mystery, and mayhem”? Auditions for the Community Circle Players (CCP) March murder mystery/dinner theatre production of Spook Light Legacy were held early January. Director Shawne Cryderman, Assistant Director Al Weigel, and Producer Connie Ward delightedly report that they have…

Community Circle Players Is Busy Behind the Scenes!

Susan Sterling Drum roll please … announcing a CCP production in spring 2023! Shawne Cryderman, co-founder of CCP, will direct the spring 2023 production. Her team is ready to go to work on another entertaining venture. Connie Ward will be Shawne’s “right hand gal” as producer and Al Weigel has enthusiastically agreed to be Shawne’s…