Tag: events

Paint With Icing at March 24 Workshop

Patti West Art isn’t just about paint and canvas. How about trying icing and cupcakes? Come learn exquisite decorating from a master pastry chef in time for the spring holidays and take home your beautiful cupcake creations! The SBR Painters Club workshop will be from 1 to 4 p.m. on March 24 in the Art Room of…

SaddleBrooke Singers Rock ‘n’ Roll—April 7

The SaddleBrooke Singers have been happily singing. Rehearsals for their Sunday, April 7, matinee performance at DesertView Performing Arts Center (DVPAC) are underway. We know you will have as much fun listening to us sing the tunes of the ’60s as we are learning them all over again as chorale renditions. One of the songs…

Technology Club Upcoming Programs

Jeff Kaczmarek Your new SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Technology Club board met for its 2024 organizational meeting. Ben Eisenstein has been elected president and we welcomed new board members: Bob Kuennen, Dave Selkowitz; Michelle Bills, and Kathy Watson. Dave Richey has stepped down as president and will serve in an emeritus status. The board is excited to offer…

Southeast Pinal County Master Gardener Garden Fair

Join your Southeast Pinal County (formerly SB/SBR) Master Gardeners for our Spring Garden Fair. You can attend the event on Saturday, April 20, from 10 a.m. to noon at the SaddleBrooke Two MountainView Clubhouse in the Ballroom West and on the patio. The clubhouse is located at 38759 S Mountain View Blvd., in SaddleBrooke. There is no charge.…

Battle for the Saddle March 27 through 30

Saddle up and join in the fun at the 2nd annual Battle for the Saddle to be held March 27 through 30 at the SaddleBrooke Tennis Center at 64335 E. SaddleBrooke Blvd. Doubles teams from SaddleBrooke Ranch and SaddleBrooke will face off in friendly competition to win the coveted Battle for the Saddle trophy. Spectators are…

What’s New at B’nai Midbar

Melanie Einbund Transliterated: B’nay Meedbar, meaning ‘The People of the Desert’ Our February services were led by Rabbi Sanford Seltzer, assisted by Eliyanah Powers and Joshua Nichols. We welcome our new Torah with the hope for peace to embrace our community and Israel. A special presentation of our new Torah was made to the congregation by Rabbi…

Ringing in the New Year!

Debora Witten Here are some of the Bodyworks participants ringing in the holidays and pumping it up. They wore bells and pumped it up to holiday music! Check out Bodyworks and make 2024 your best year yet. We hope we see you soon! Bodyworks with Debbie Tuesdays, 8:30 to 9:25 a.m. Thursdays, 10:30 to 11:25 a.m. (new day!) Saturdays,…