Janelle Authur Back by popular demand! Based on the very positive feedback from participants in the Ranch’s first Mah Jongg Tournament, the SBR Mah Jongg Club will sponsor a second. The spring 2019 tournament for residents will be on Thursday, May 9, 2019. The SBR spring 2019 Mah Jongg Tournament will follow the same format…
Tag: events
Clubs & Classes, February 2019
SBR Women’s Club to host presentation on how to make your home look like a “Model Home” February 11
Donna P. Nelson Come join us on Monday, February 11 at 11:15 a.m. in the Sol Ballroom at the Ranch House when we will have a presentation by La-Z-Boy Design Services. Professional Designers from our local Tucson La-Z-Boy showroom will give us their expertise and guide us through every step; show us the latest design…
Generals, February 2019
SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Happenings
Home tour tickets available on March 4 Nancy McCluskey-Moore Want to know how others have remodeled their SaddleBrooke homes to improve traffic flow, expand storage options, create a space for guests or simply modernize their surroundings? Then this SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) home tour is perfect for you. It will focus on remodeled homes, allowing…
Front Page, December 2018
Holiday Sing Along and Carol Singing

Alastair Stone The spirit of the holiday season will be amplified in the community of SaddleBrooke Ranch when friends and neighbors join together on Friday, December 14, as the SBR Carol Singers perform in the Sol Ballroom of our new Ranch House. Our SBR woodwind trio will play beforehand from 4:00 p.m. and then we…
Front Page, December 2018
Holiday parade
The Ranch revs up the holiday spirit on Friday, December 14 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Decorate your electric carts, bicycles or ATVs with your holiday decorations of choice. To participate, pick up registration forms at the Front Desk and return there no later than 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 11. Line-up for the…
December 2018
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Leonard Schenkel Last month I talked about how I would have more information on how to get tickets to our annual show, The Most Wonderful Time of the Year. You can find that information at the end of this article. For their 16th annual show, the SaddleBrooke Barbershop Chorus will bring you a most wonderful…
November 2018
Save the dates for Tucson Dance Academy performances
November 2018
Save the date for “Dynamic Health” presentation
Linda Shannon-Hills Chiropractic is a health care profession dedicated to the non-surgical treatment of disorders of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system. On Tuesday, November 13 at 4:00 p.m., Dr. Watson will discuss his approach of how chiropractic care can aid to “Dynamic Health.” The focus on spinal adjustment is what makes doctors of chiropractic…
November 2018
Seminar on Medicare and health insurance on November 10
Linda Shannon-Hills The health insurance landscape can be tricky to navigate, for both under age 65 health insurance needs and for Medicare beneficiaries. On Saturday, November 10 at 1:00 p.m., Coleen M. Elkins Health Insurance & Medicare Specialist will be at SaddleBrooke Ranch in LaMesa and Montana Rooms to discuss options you may want to…
Front Page, November 2018
Start planning now for Holiday Parade

Linda Shannon-Hills The SBR Holiday Parade is scheduled for Friday, December 14. Start planning your award-winning decorated entry for either your electric cart, bicycle or ATV. Each year the decorations for Christmas or Hanukkah get more creative. More details will be released in early December on how to register, start times and route around the…