Tag: Golf

SBRWGA participates in “Take a Swing at Cancer”

Donna Oliverio The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association had 16 members travel to MountainView Golf Course to participate in the MPWGA Take A Swing At Cancer tournament held on March 3. One of our SBRWGA teams took first place. The event had 104 golfers and 112 participants at the luncheon. A total of $15,800 was…

Ranchette Putters news

Linda Shannon-Hills The largest golf group at SaddleBrooke Ranch is the Ranchette Putters with 93 members. We are a social group that enjoys getting outside to try our skills at putting with the other members of the club. In February we had between 48 to 58 putters each week. Awards are given each month to…

Ranchette Putters elect 2015 officers

2014 Ranchette Putters Board Members, from left: Linda Harvey, Statistician; Ellyn Biggs, Secretary; Elida Jerman, Treasurer; Linda Bowman and Janice Neal, Co-Presidents; Marilee Fairbanks and Linda Shannon-Hills, Co-Vice Presidents. Photo by Bob Hills. undefined

Terry Barringer The Ranchette Lady Putters recently elected a new board of officers to serve this active, fun-loving SaddleBrooke Ranch club. The ladies meet every Wednesday morning on the SBR putting green for 18 holes of putting. Talent is not a necessary criterion to join this group. However, many ladies have been pleasantly surprised at…

SBRMGA elects 2015 Board

The members of the SaddleBrooke Ranch Men’s Golf Association held their annual membership meeting. undefined

Doug Streuber The SBRMGA held its annual membership lunch meeting on December 3 at La Hacienda. Forty-nine members attended. The membership first voted on the Board for 2015. Those elected are Jack Gressingh, president: Mark Klicker, vice president; Mike White, treasurer; Bruce Deverman, secretary; Harley Schlachter, weekly chairman; Frank Sciannella, special events chairman; Dave Bott,…

SBRWGA hosts Sadie Hawkins Golf Tournament

Forty-four golfers participated in this event. undefined

1ST FLIGHT 2ND FLIGHT 3RD FLIGHT On a rather cool and very windy morning of November 4, the SBRWGA hosted a successful golf tournament with a wonderful turnout. Forty-four golfers disregarded the inclement weather and enjoyed a fun day of golf. Colleen Carey and Mary Snowden were in charge of the tournament and did a…

Annual Couples’ Golf Event is a great success

Participants in the Men’s Golf Association fifth annual SaddleBrooke Ranch Fall Couples’ golf event. undefined

The Men’s Golf Association held its fifth annual SaddleBrooke Ranch Fall Couples’ Golf Event on Sunday, November 9. Twenty-eight resident couples participated in the fun, yet competitive, event organized by Jack and Karen Gressingh. Mike Jahaske, Ken Steinke and their Pro Shop staff provided great support as usual. And the weather chairman cooperated by providing…

Men Golfers compete again in Tucson-Area Pima Cup

Doug Streuber Yes, the Pima Cup is back! George Kramer has again agreed to represent the SaddleBrooke Ranch Men’s Golf Association (SBRMGA) in the 2014-15 Pima Cup and to lead our efforts. Our hosting date at SaddleBrooke Ranch has been moved from January to early May. In addition there are two new venues in the…

Ranchette Putters Host Quail Creek at Rhinestone Cowgirl Event

At left: Ranchette Putters co-presidents Linda Bowman and Janice Neal. undefined

September 10 was a Rhinestone Cowgirl day when Quail Creek Lady Putters in Green Valley visited the SaddleBrooke Ranch Ranchette Putters for a morning of putting competition and social exchange. After heavy rains earlier in the week, our day turned out to be beautiful and not too hot. The putting green hosted 79 women putters…