Tag: Health

Annual Walkathon

Heading to breakfast

Nan Nasser As we move into our 20th year of supporting kids, SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) will host its 20th Walkathon on Saturday, October 29. Vital Moves will have warm-up exercises at 7:30 a.m. and walkers, led by the Grand Marshals Pat and Ron Andrea, will head out at 8:00 a.m. for the standard walk…

Health Night Out – September 26

Dr. Jonathan Tait

Health Night Out will feature Dr. Jonathan Tait on Monday, September 26, at 7:00 p.m. His topic will be Stem Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine; Is Non-Surgical Orthopedic Medicine Hope or Hype? The future of orthopedic medicine may lie in minimally invasive healing treatments rather than surgical interventions. The field of stem cells and regenerative…

Tests and shots at October Health Fair

Bring expired meds and old eyeglasses for collection at the Health Fair.

Phyllis Ketring, Publicity Coordinator This year’s Health Fair welcomes back popular screeners and exhibitors. Immunizations for flu and pneumonia, including the super Prevnar 13® pneumonia protection Shingles vaccine will require advance sign-up. Information will be available before the fair. HealthWaves will conduct full diagnostic lab tests at a reasonable rate. University of Arizona Pharmaceutical students…

Health Fair volunteers needed

It takes over 100 volunteers to make the annual Health Fair run smoothly. Volunteers work in short 90-minute segments so each person has time to visit exhibits at the fair before or after their shift. There are volunteer opportunities. If you like movement and activity, you might consider the team that greets exhibitors to help…

2016 Health Fair

Health Fair volunteers

The SaddleBrooke Health Fair will be Saturday morning, October 15, at HOA One. Many local medical and health care providers will be present. Flu and pneumonia shots and a wide variety of free screenings are available. Volunteers can sign up now. You will be contacted later in the summer. New volunteers may email Sally Sample…

The Health Fair is looking for volunteers

Immunizations are always a busy activity at the Health Fair.

Phyllis Ketring, Publicity Coordinator Planning is well underway for this year’s Health Fair. The invitation to screeners has been sent out. If you have a doctor, clinic or medical specialty that you would like to have included in the Health Fair, now is the time to recommend them. There is always a waiting list, but…

Tai Chi – the perfect exercise as we age

A Tai Chi class

Tai Chi, which has grown in popularity throughout the world, is typified by slow, deliberate, repetitive movements and is based on co-ordination and relaxation rather than muscular tension. It is believed that focusing the mind solely on the movements helps to bring about a state of mental calm and clarity. In recent years many studies…

What is better for your body? Land or water aerobics?

Helga Stone, left, being given special instructions before class by instructor Cathy Lair; photo by Steve Weiss

Steve Weiss While similar to land aerobics in that it focuses on cardiac training, water aerobics adds the component of weight training in the form of water resistance and buoyancy. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2008), most land-based aerobic exercisers don’t incorporate strength training into their schedules and therefore adding…

Wellness Roundup update

Dr. Kang and Dr. Lara

Linda Shannon-Hills The Wellness Roundup on March 8 was on “Allergies in the Desert” with speakers Dr. Thomas Kang MD and Dr. Jonathan Lara, DO FAOCO from Sonoran Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic. They spoke to a large group of 65 people on allergy triggers and testing to determine specific allergens of southern Arizona, allergy…

Do you have physical challenges? Get fit with Joe!

Joe Pinella

Marlene Diskin Living at SBR we’re so lucky to have easy access to a variety of affordable fitness classes. As we’re aging, many of us are encountering some physical challenges and looking for ways in which to live happily and healthfully and combat the changes we’re experiencing. So if you’re thinking about the best way…